Im loaning a copy of the SK-60 handhavande (manual and description) it includes specs, to armaments. Anything you want to know please share as i have a short loan.
Its to arrive soon
Im loaning a copy of the SK-60 handhavande (manual and description) it includes specs, to armaments. Anything you want to know please share as i have a short loan.
Its to arrive soon
Is there no version already available online? If not, I guess the first request would be to scan the whole thing into a PDF and upload it, but that is up to your generousity.
Im not allowed to copy it fully, believe me, first thaught. Archive rules
Pictures are allowed, but not to re-print it
Oh, didn’t see the loaning part, I thought you had bought it.
You could look around for bug reports or forum posts and see if any of them lack documentation.