Su-27 and other aircraft using the ILS-31 HUD — new elements have been added to the HUD: tracked target altitude, tracked target aspect angle, tracked target closing speed, and an indicator that shows whether the tracked target’s radar is active.
So there is three issues left:
IRST bearing markers on HUD
Is radar set on HDN (ППС) or not (ЗПС) mode
HMD mode still states that it uses IRST, but it can be false
If anyone have
If it’s about ИЗЛ marking at the left, it’s player’s plane radar is active, not tracked one as currently on DEV
If someone have more issues/suggestions about ILS-31, I’ll be glad for posts here
Bug report was made, but it was ignored at all
btw, isnt ИЗЛ must be in middle of hud?
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Yes, but at the moment there is weapon selection HUD because weapon selector below HUD is non functional
Okay, it’s plain suggestion, but there is also no indication of time left until impact for missle
28 here
About IRST
There must be reticle for it, but it’s there only manual radar control is turned on and it shows only horizontal cue (second screenshot), vertically it’s locked
Enemy marker is ridiculously small
Also I didn’t found tracked target closing speed at all