- Yes (Premium)
- Yes (Tech Tree)
- Yes (Squadron Vehicle)
- No
- Initial refit
- 1st refit
- 2nd refit
- 3rd refit
- All of them, by modules that changes the weapon systems
- I voted no
Laid down on the 9th of september 1919 and launched on the 4th of march 1920 as the USS Stewart (DD-224) she was obviously too late for World War 1. Instead she would serve her initial years patrolling, First as part of the the Destroyer squadron, Atlantic. Where she was damaged possible during an excercise, after repairs she left Newport, Rhode Island on 20 June 1922 for the United States Asiatic Fleet. Little did anyone know, this would be the last time in 23 years that the USS Stewart would see US soil. After spending her next year patrolling around the Philippines her routine was broken up to assist in the US relieve effort of the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake.
(Fun fact: This same earthquake also resulted in the battlecruiser Amagi to be damaged beyond repair, due to which the unfinished fast battleship Kaga was converted into an aircraft carrier instead. This same earthquake also has been linked to the USN Honda Point Disaster due to unusual currents.)
After assisting in the relieve efforts she supported four USAAC biplanes in their flight around the world before going back to regular patrol duties till 1925 when she was assigned to transport USMC’s 4th Regiment to Shanghai to safeguard US interests. Her following years are less interesting mainly protecting American nationals and shipping along the Yangtze which in turn sees her being stationed at Wuhu, Nanking, Shanghai, and Chenglin. It’s not till 1939 that she would be ordered back to Manila for patrol duties in the Philippines. After being informed of the opening of hostilities by Japan on the 8th of december 1941 she was mainly used as convoy escort before being assigned on the 3th of February 1942 to Dutch Rear Admiral Karel Doorman’s American-British-Dutch-Australian Striking Force.
During fighting at the Bangka Strait Stewart was under air attack multiple times but didnt get any noticable damage. During the Battle of Badung Strait Stewart was part of Karel Doorman’s 2nd echelon. After firing torpedoes at the Sanur Roads anchorage Stewart opened fire at two japanese destroyers that return accurate fire, Stewart is hit twice. Her boats are shot away, her torpedo racks and galley are hit and she suffers damage aft below the water line, opening her seams and flooding the steering engine room. This however isn’t the end for her as somehow she managed to limp back to Surabaya. As Stewart was one of the most heavily damaged ships there she was the first to enter the floating drydock, however do to not being adequately supported she falls off the keel block. Causing further damage and bending one of the propeller shafts, later on the same day her crew leaves port and authorities detonate 2x 80lb demolition charges with the most damage being inflicted onto her sonar suite. After the japanese thought even this wasn’t enough to put her out of action she was hit by another bomb mid-ship inflicting even more damage. After figuring out that getting her out of the drydock under these conditions was near impossible, the entire drydock was scuttled with Stewart still inside on 22 February 1942.
Here is where she would lay until February 1943, when after almost a full year under water the drydock and Stewart were refloated by the japanese No. 102 Repair Facility at Surabaya. After being refloated it was decided to repair and refit her, these works took till the 20th of September 1943. During the refit her USN armament is replaced by two ex-Dutch Army 75mm guns (most likely Krupp 7.5 cm Model 1903 (7-veld) or Siderius Model 02/04), two 12.7mm guns (M2 .50 cal) and two type 3 6.5mm machine guns. Her ASW suite was changed by the replaced of the older USN equipment with a Type 94 depth-charge thrower and Type 2 Mk. 2 rails, Type 93 sonar and 72 depth-charges (83 in overload condition). To further distinguise her looks from USN vessels and most likely to also fix any of her earlier sustained damage her forward two funnels were also trunked together. After running through trials till mid October 1943 she was assigned to escort and ASW duties near borneo as PB-102 till on the 11th of November 1943 when she was attacked by a submarine at 01:45 in the middle of the night. Of the two torpedoes fired she managed to evade one torpedo at high speed and the second one grazes her port propeller without exploding. This graze caused enough damage to the propeller that she was forced to have a new one cast which took till mid december to be cast and fitted, during this same period her starboard propeller also got calibrated. After repair works were done she spend her time doing what she was good at, escorting more convoys and performing ASW duties till the 30th of April 1944 during which the only noticable incident being attacked by another submarine that fired two torpedoes of which one torpedo passes 20 meters behind her stern, the second hits port side abaft the bridge, but does not explode. A 2nd attack during this period also happened but both torpedoes were easily avoided. On the 30th of April 1944 after years of service and a year under the ocean her nr. 3 boiler finally gave out, forcing PB-102 too return to Manila for boiler water tube replacements. The rest of May 1944 and early June 1944 was spend doing escort duties and playing “whack-a-mole” with failing boilers as all 4 suffered from their age at this time.
During late June 1944 it was finally decided that it was time to put her in drydock once more, at which time she was repaired, her galley and depth-charge magazine are rebuilt and sonar repaired. Later on the 24th of August 1944 the USN had their first confirmed contact with PB-102 when the USS Harder and USS Hake spot her in Dasol Bay and she gets confused with the old Thai destroyer Phra Ruang. Spending once more till the 20th-28th September 1944 escorting and performing ASW duties she gets her first proper refit after joining the IJN. Her lacking AA equipment is enhanced with three Type 96 25mm AA guns (1x2, 1x1), she also got one Type 81 and one Type 94 depth charge thrower, a new Type 93 sonar and a radar detector installed. After spending more of her time being an escort its till mid January 1945 that she gets her next repair and refit in Kure, this time having her main guns changed to 8 cm/40 3rd Year Type naval guns, six Type 96 25mm AA guns (3 x 2) being added as well as the addition of a 60cm searchlight of Dutch origin. Her ASW suite also got changed by the addition of a Type 3 sonar and Type 99 hydrophone as well as the removal of her two Type 93 sonars. At the same time she also got her stacks lowered by 650 mm. A light tripod foremast fitted as well as a Type 22 surface radar fitted to the bridge and a Type 13 radar on the new foremast.
After this refit she once more returned to patrol duties till on the 27th of April 1945 when she had her first proper fight when she was attacked by two PBY Catalina’s (or PBM Mariners), she is once more peppered with fragmentation from bombs that open up about 100 holes, damage her radar and sever a rudder cable. This damage however did come at the price of one of the two Catalina’s (or a Mariner). On the 2nd of June 1945 she was equiped with more weapon systems, this time two torpedo drop collars (I have yet to find the type of torpedoes used, if you know. Please tell.) After this she spend most of her time in Kure naval till the Japanese surrender. Being unused for a long period of time, USN officers that inspect her find that she has a rat infestation and is in a fairly poor state. After being thoroughly cleaned, fumigated and painted the ship the US flag is hoisted over her once more and gets recommisioned into the USN as USS DD-224 as the name Stewart was assigned to a new destroyer escort USS Stewart (DE-238). Under the US flag she was sailed back to the US before her age once more showed and she had to be towed back the last part before for the first time in 23 year seeing US mainland soil once more on the 5th March 1946 after which she got removed from the US Navy List and decommissioned. Her Last call to action was on the 24th of May 1946 when just off the coast of San Francisco she was sunk as target ship after being hit by 5 USN F6F’s and the USN PC-799. Taking 18 rockets, thousands off .50 cal fire, 12 40mm shells and 17 3inch rounds.
After fighting for both sides in the war, being shot, bombed, torpedoed, sunk, raised, spending close to 26 years on the open ocean and having close to all weapon systems one can think of strapped to her she finally went down for the last time in the waters of the country that made her where she still lies today.
Displacement: 1,539 tons (Empty) - 1,680 tons (Loaded)
Length: 98.70 m (323 ft 10 in) overall
Draft: 3.50 m (11 ft 6 in)
2 × Parsons all geared steam turbines
4 × White-Foster water tube boilers
2 shafts, 14,000 shp (10,000 kW)
Speed: 26.0 knots (29.9 mph; 48.2 km/h)
Endurance: 2,400 nautical miles @ 12 knots (4,400 km @ 22 km/h)
Complement: 110 (September 1943)

Final refit weapon locations, special thanks to aizenns for this
Initial weapon system in IJN service
Krupp 7.5 cm Model 1903 (7-veld) x2 (or Siderius Model 02/04 x2)
Browning M2 .50 cal x2
Type 3 6.5mm machine gun x2
Type 94 depth charge thrower
72-83 depth charges
Post 1st refit
Krupp 7.5 cm Model 1903 (7-veld) x2 (or Siderius Model 02/04 x2)
Browning M2 .50 x2
Type 3 6.5mm machine gun x2
Type 96 25mm AA gun x3
Type 94 depth charge thrower x2
72-83 depth charges
Post 2nd refit
8 cm/40 3rd Year Type naval gun x2
Browning M2 .50 x2 (Possible removed at this point.)
Type 3 6.5mm machine gun x2
Type 96 25mm AA gun x8
Type 94 depth charge thrower x2
72-83 depth charges
Post 3rd refit
8 cm/40 3rd Year Type naval gun x2
Type 96 25mm AA gun x8
Torpedo drop collars x4
Type 94 depth charge thrower x2
Type 3 depth charge thrower x2
72-83 depth charges
Additional Equipment
Smoke generator
Tool Set x1
Fire Protection System 12t a day, 50t total
Ammo statistics below
Ammo Spoiler
Siderius Model 02/04
Ammunition: High Explosive shell
Projectile mass: 8,14 kg
Muzzle Velocity: 500 m/s
Explosive filler: ?
Range: 10.600m
Ammunition: shrapnel shell
Projectile mass: 6,55 kg
Balls: 270 balls x 11 g
Muzzle Velocity: 500 m/s
Explosive filler: 90 gram (calculated)
Range: 10.600m
Ammunition: Armor Piercing shell (Dutch)
Projectile mass: ?
Muzzle Velocity: ?
Penetration: ?
Explosive filler: ?
Range: 10.600m
Calculated penetration: ?
Ammunition: 一式徹甲弾 (Armor Piercing shell, Japan)
Projectile mass: 6,2 kg
Muzzle Velocity: 510 m/s ?
Penetration: 20mm at 3km
Explosive filler: 0.045kg
Range: 11.600m
Calculated penetration: 67.81 mm
Ammunition: Blank shell
Projectile mass: 0.0 kg
Muzzle Velocity: 0 m/s
Explosive filler: 0 gram
Range: take a guess
8 cm/40 3rd Year Type naval gun
Ammunition: Armor Piercing Capped shell (ASW shell)
Projectile mass: 5.3 kg
Muzzle Velocity: 250 m/s
Penetration: 11.5cm under 8m of water *
Penetration: 1.15cm under 8m of water *
Explosive filler: 0.668 kg
Range: 3.200m
Calculated penetration: 17.12mm
Ammunition: High Explosive shell
Projectile mass: 5.99 kg
Muzzle Velocity: 685 m/s
Penetration: ?
Explosive filler: 0.48 kg
Range: 10.800m
Tracer color: Maroon
Type 96 25mm
Ammunition: Armor Piercing shell
Projectile mass: 0.26± kg
Muzzle Velocity: 900 m/s
Penetration: 42mm at 0m
Explosive filler: 0 gram
Range: 5.500m
Tracer color: White
Calculated penetration: 52.36mm
Ammunition: High Explosive shell
Projectile mass: 0.24± kg
Muzzle Velocity: 900 m/s
Penetration: ?
Explosive filler: 0.01 kg
Range: 5.500m
Tracer color: Maroon
Ammunition: High Explosive Incendiary shell
Projectile mass: 0.25± kg
Muzzle Velocity: 900 m/s
Penetration: ?
Explosive filler: 0.01 kg
Range: 5.500m
Tracer color: Orange
Ammunition: High Explosive Tracer shell
Projectile mass: 0.25± kg
Muzzle Velocity: 900 m/s
Penetration: ?
Explosive filler: 0 gram
Range: 5.500m
Tracer color: Yellow
Type 3 6.5mm
Ammunition: Type 30 rifle ball ammunition
Projectile mass: 10.5 gram
Muzzle Velocity: 700 m/s
Calculated penetration: 15.82mm
Ammunition: Type 38 rifle ball ammunition
Projectile mass: 9 gram
Muzzle Velocity: 770 m/s
Calculated penetration: 16.62mm
Browning M2 .50 cal
Just take a look ingame for the stats of this one.
Type 94 depth charge thrower
Ammunition: Type 95
Total Weight: 160 kg
Explosive filler: 100 kg
Sink rate: 1.9 m/s
Ammunition: Type 95 Model 1 Mod. 1
Total Weight: 160 kg
Explosive filler: 147 kg
Sink rate: 1.9 m/s
Ammunition: Type 95 Model 1 Mod. 2
Total Weight: 160 kg
Explosive filler: 110 kg
Sink rate: 1.9 m/s
Torpedo drop collars
Ammunition: 45 cm Type 2
Explosive filler: 350 kg
Speed: 39-41 knots
Range: 3 km
Maximum divergence to the left or right: 45m at 3km
Ammunition: 45 cm Type 2 Special
Explosive filler: 350 kg
Speed: 38-40 knots
Range: 2 km
Maximum divergence to the left or right: 45m at 3km
- Penetration figures do vary depending on if report O-19 contains a typo or not
Picture spam below
Final note, If any of the weapon systems are incorrect. Please include the information including the refit date in the comments, as this post is only based of english sources things can be wrong.
https://web.archive.org/web/20120508025744fw_/http://www.fischer-tropsch.org/primary_documents/gvt_reports/USNAVY/USNTMJ Reports/USNTMJ-200E-0344-0416 Report 0-19.pdf
Special thanks to Aizenns for the following two sources