IJN Mutsu: Setting New Standards!

Yes, I imagine that they thought it sounded a lot smarter than saying “thing look like other thing.” Which I would have preferred actually.

It has pointed out to me via a source I don’t yet posses, that these guns do in-fact have a higher than 2 RoF, both pre and post-rebuild.

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Most German battlecruisers had lighter guns for heavier armor.

The reason why milestone ships (Hyuga, Mutsu) are added to Japan is probably due to the lack of ground and air content that can be added through updates.
However, the U.S. has a lot of ground and air content that can be added, so it is possible to keep up appearances without adding ships.

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There are two things that I’m concerned about.

Is it correct that the secondary gun cases have no armor?
Historically, they use the same secondary guns as the Ise and Hyuga, so I would have thought they would have the same amount of armor.

Is it correct that there is no armour at the base of the front screw?
The rear has 50mm armour and it feels odd that it doesn’t have the same protection.

Germany considered it to be a Battleship. Its just the british which referrerd to it as BC. It is, by all means a BB, with weaker guns, though. The protection was excellent, by far not BC-like. During Great War most ger BBs had 280mm guns. Since this was the first construction after, they continued with that scheme. Probably cause they had alot expierience with these guns and they were already aviable. It was planned to upgun the Scharnhost class to 380mm, though.

While Hood, Renown, Repulse etc. were in fact designed as BCs with characteristically weak protection.

Here an old, historical sketch from 1942. Bad pic…but you see ‘Schlachtschiff’ (battleship) Scharnhorst.

The last German Battlecruiser must have been the SMS Hindenburg from 1917. Hard to grasp why alot ppl insist to know it better. Thats the last one, with 26.000 tons definetly BC sized. There simply was no German BC after that, except for some laid down successors, which weren’t fully completed.

The SMS Mackensen with 35cm guns wasn’t completed anymore. Same for the upgunned 38cm BC’s of the Mackensen class. Those where just laid down and scrapped after the war.


It would be nice if Yamato was added in the next update.

Slow down, Japan already got a Nagato and Germany is getting their 3rd Bayern after Scharnhorst…

It’s time for other nations to catch up, particularly Italy, Fr*nce and even U.S!


Fortunately for every other tree, we are miles off

Britain and France don’t even have a 7.0 BB the US BB’s are bad, the Italians have a chronic lack of ships.

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Hood was the best protected battleship in the world when it went into service. It was not designed to have weak armour. British doctrine for a battle cruiser was mainly speed. If it’s 31 knotts capable it was a battleship. Later guns of 15inch were considered battleship calibres and anything less was battlecruisers. And a battleship should be intended to engage other battleships directly scharnhorst wasn’t intended to engage battleships but have the speed to run away and avoid battleships but the speed and firepower to take on everything smaller. It fits the battle cruiser role and definition better.


Already brought it up here, and basically got stonewalled over it.