IFV* wishlist!

Ill say it because some people are afraid to say it but the bmp 3/bmd 4 are under br’d alongside the 2s38 and the bmp 2m. Ive played almost all ifvs around that br and im tired of people thinking they are fine where they are. The bmp3/4 are easy 9.3-9.7 but i disagree with them being the same br as the type 89 ,type 87 rcv, vbc pt2, and cv9030.

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I quite like the AV8, I’d hope it could be paired with the PT-91M as potentially a subtree for Poland but I’m also biased

not so sure about the BMP-2M, besides the fact that the fuel tank sometimes eats shells and takes 0 damage, never really considered it a threat in my matches as the missiles are kinda meh
Or maybe i’ve just gotten really lucky with it

For me ive had some great matches with the gun alone, the missiles are nice but the mobility and gun just make that thing a flank n spank demon

Yeah, I can’t help but agree.

And the moment we get a truly long range map like the new… Tunisia? I forgot the name, it’s a bigger version of the desert map with a shallow river running down the middle, people immediately complain that indeed there is long range combat and they can’t drive to the capture zone in a whole 30 seconds.

BWP 1 “puma mod” USSR

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No. That’s Polish.

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Eh, not to worry
It’s a troll account that got active again after a short while


Execute whoever designed this monster


Just realized it’s the same guy asking for Soviet DANAs and Iskra lol


It’s pretty interesting, it’s one of about a dozen Polish prototypes based on the BWP-1M (upgraded BMP-1) Puma (Puma is officially only used for the prototypes, but unofficially for any BWP-1 modernization)
However, between the many, many light vehicles of roughly similar capabilities actually in service in Poland and several more interesting (IMO) Puma mods I actually would have this very low on a wishlist for the Polish Tech Tree.

Chinese Type 19.


Pakistani viper IFV with 2A42 and 2 kornets Czech made remote control turret on a Pakistani made chassis
Possibly as a sqdr vehicle for cn


It’s beautiful


Problem with czech and polish vehicles in ussr?

Is that an ATGM pod on the back right hand side of the turret?

Yes. Most likely HJ-12s.
It’s the most common ATGM of modern Chinese IFVs.

It actually shows just how many vehicles China is missing considering that there isn’t a single Chinese vehicle with HJ12s in-game.

Vehicles (IFVs) with the HJ-12 include the VN17:






It’s a tandem F&F missile that will be very good in-game because all F&F missiles got a huge buff and can now lock even if enemy vehicles are partially visible (sometimes even if only the antenna is showing) - which makes them very devastating. I recommend to everyone to check out F&F missiles in-game now.


Maybe this year? Britain got a domestic, service used LT for the first time in a while. China got its first domestic tech tree IFV, feels like we’re in for everyone getting a large servings of LTs and IFVs over the rest of this year and going forwards, espically considering most nations are basically running out of meaningfully distinctive MBTs

Shame I chose to grind GB, FR, and JP lmao, not a single F&F ATGM between them lmao

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get on that good stuff with me we will get one soon


Ifvs converted from Type 59, but not QN506….
