If we have to be comfortable with many aircraft placed two BR's above their performance BR due to subjectively better armament then the Su27 and MiG29G's should be moved to 13.3

We have the j7w1 with four 30mm cannons that (used to) deal a lot of damage and (used to be) easy to aim. It was bad at 6.0 because it can’t even compete with a 3.0 other than top speed in a dive, which is still not very important since it accelerates slower than anything at 6.0.
We have the TA-152C-3 which is one of the worst single engine fighters in the entire game because it has all the bad aspects of the 190s with none of their good aspects… at 6.3 and with threats of being moved to 6.7
I can mention more but I want to go straight to the topic.

The F-15 is now undertiered since it can guide sparrows again; also the aim9m’s with the “three seconds turn off IRCCM” that also seems to work after 3 seconds while tracking. But the Su-27 and similar aircraft are too low in BR and thank god they don’t have their real flight models because otherwise they would be 15.7 material.

Somehow these posts aren’t even surprising anymore.


the only thing i see in most of the post is crying about russian tech (that has nerfed flight models) while usa has overperforming flight models and nobody cares lmao


ye i can still see only copium from you and muh russian bias talking


You’re using a troll account right?


you can’t see the bias of a nation if you only play such nation, I invite you to play the “super OP” americans besides tanks only.

good old ru fanboy spotted xD

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I confirm.

His squadron tag also fits him well.

wasn’t hard to figure out
Ru planes nerfed flight models said everything
everyone knows yak3p and yak 9 are flying ufos…


i mean the only one who has a good history of trolling between you and me is you. I remember your yapping and backup tandems with mig23m, another insufferable USSR main that goes “uh just bots” when his stats clearly show he doesn’t attack bots on a daily basis.

What does that even mean?

russian props are good, but american props are a lot better as they can just NOT engage anyone and invest all their insane linear speed into as much altitude as they want. American jets also fly so much better but, who cares? is air RB past 11.0 about who turns better? Nah, it’s about who can kill in the wall of death quicker, or who can kill in the furball quicker, and that happens to be Russia in both cases. Hell, even from 10.0 armaments matters so much more than performance. Look at the MiG19, does it matter when it has no missiles and just three cannons? The F-104A wipes the floor against it because it can not engage and kill it from a distance while the mig19 is dogfighting.

oh if you don’t have neither the reading comprehension nor the memory I can’t help you anymore, maybe a social forum is not the place for you.

Uh huh…

apples and oranges îf you try to dogfight a mig 19 in a f104 you lose
Same as trying to catch up to a properly flown? f104 in a mig 19 you lose

Same as ppl trying to dogfight a zero in a mustang …

What does the MiG-29G even have to warrant 13.3? Only 60 countermeasures and a flight model that was completely trashed.

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What? Su-27 and Mig-29G don’t have the best weapons though.
Su-27 has volume of weapons, and that’s it.
Su-27 with its real flight model wouldn’t change its BR, I think you’ve listened to too much Russia Today.

Saying aircraft performance doesn’t matter in top tier has never been the case and gets parroted by mediocre players who’s depth of understanding is “Shoot missile at bad guy, get kill, then die to another bad guy”. Case in point: the Gripen shitting on everything at top tier. Its performance and flare count make the plane incredibly hard to kill, and a hard to kill plane is a plane that lives to get more kills and distract more enemies for their teammates to kill. In the Gripen it really is not hard to notch a 27ER or deny a good irccm missile shot. Its weapons are good but what makes it far and away the best top tier is the performance.

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MiG-29Gs should be moved to 13.3

Yeah no chief.

Maybe back in may last year i would agree because back then MiG-29s, even with R-60M(K)s were actually a threat

But nowadays, meta shifted way too much.

MiG-29G is the same exact plane as MiG-29 9.12A - only difference being english voice warning, R-73s and 27ETs.

It still has

  • the same radar (unlike SMT which gets Zhuk-M),
  • archaic RWR (SPO-15 is bad when compared to most of its contemporaries with digital RWRs. SMT gets digital SPO-150),
  • only 60 flares/chaff pops (unlike SMT that gets additional pods) and
  • the exact same engines

Sure its lighter than SMT, but since the FM changes its still significantly worse than any F-16 bar C and D.

Not to mention that ARHs are coming soon, which G doesnt get (unlike SMT).

Obviously, its much better than base MiG-29s due to R-73s.

At the same time, if anything, MiG-29G could go down to 12.3 due to lack of additional flares and RWR

And unless theres a BR cap increase with ARHs it definetively should go down in BR when compared to SMT (but many others should too).

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you just can not dogfight on f104… anything. Same way for su27, the fm is trash but you can not dogfight by launching a r27er/et further than anyone else and forget about having to engage… this is why the f35 isn’t as good dogfighter as a f18 or f16 because it was designed to kill as far as possible without being seen.