If we finally got our first stealth jet fighter what would it be?

So it’s been 11 years since we never received any stealth fighter jets and it’s possible the next 2 years we might receive one. So what is everyone’s thoughts what it will be?

Propably the F117 it might also be the only true stealth AC that they will add as these would be hard to ballance


How about BR 12.0 for the F-117?

F-117, only answer.

Game is a long way off F-22, F-35, Su-57, J-20, etc and those all might be impossible to fairly balance/place. Not too mention almost impossible to model in any sane way.

But F-117 would be almost underpowered in most regards but a great test platform for how stealth could be modeled and what impact it has on the game


2x GBUs, basically no A2A, I think sub-sonic, maybe transonic top speed.

Probably more like 10.3

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what about 11.7?

Can if you want, but I doubt it will survive encounters with anything at that BR and be basically limited to only ever being used in GRB, and even then, would be pretty weak

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I think it actually carry’s 4x GBUs i believe

true, prob just be better for a new premium?

Wiki, so could be wrong but:

Might be an event vehicle, they are quite often used for testing things (like Su-25BM was added to test R-73s)

I mean for the F-117 as a new premium

F-117 could come as a premium, could come as an event vehicle, could be an SQV, could even come on the TT. Its impossible to know.

I’d guess event as said, because its common for event vehicles to be used as test beds, but not always.

That’s if the F-117 is ever added. 2x GBUs and no A2A makes it a very weak and difficult to place aircraft. The closest I can think is something like the Buc S1 which has no A2A at all, but reasonable A2G for its BR, nor have we gotten something like a Mosquitto bomber (no guns but same bomb load as the B-17)

It would be a really difficult aircraft to place. (though the split BRs helps greatly for that, because it could be like 9.3 in air and 10.3/10.7 in ground) but at which point, nothing has radar and thus no point in adding something with stealth

true, good point

I’m betting on the f35 and j31. A lot of people keep saying the f117 but gaijin generally doesn’t add planes with no guns or missiles.

My guy, you’re about as fast as a harrier as far as I know, you have no gun, no missiles, just some bombs that aren’t really enough to bomb a base…
In Air RB it’s likely going to be placed around 9.0-10.0, and likely a LOT higher in ground RB due to its stealth advantage.

If its not THE stealth bomber then they need to fire whoever made that decision and all that went along with it. the F117 is what we all think of when someone says “stealth plane” right?
I mean it will probably be at a BR where its stealth capabilities don’t matter because it was slow, had a bad payload and is a famously crap flyer, but its too damn cool as the pin-up girl of stealth to not be the first

I’ve seen random hearsay that these were tested with AIM-9’s in the internal bay, anyone know what that’s about?

I’m gonna go against the grain of everyone else here who said F-117, and throw in Rafale.

The Rafale, while it is not a VLO (very low observability) aircraft like the F-117 or 5th gen fighters, it still has a very respectable low-observability signature. The Rafale will likely be the reason for introducing stealth mechanisms into the game for it and these mechanisms should be tested on the Rafale in order to properly be implemented on 5th gen fighters.



But the Rafale is not “true” stealth
Yes in its dev stealth was kept in mind but its not anywhere near the lvl of other pure stealth AC.
I mean if u want to u can add the Eurofigher aswell and i am pretty sure here are some others.

Eurofighter is not comparable, was not built to be low observable when the air intake is a giant box

Rafale would be more interesting for activ stealth with the SPECTRA system