So, from this screenshot of the dev news we can see he/she has 38 Chinese vehicles
Considering this is an internal account, I assume all premium/squadron/market vehicles (including hidden ones like the 545 and 692A) should be auto-unlocked for testing purposes.
Let’s break it down with a little calculation:
✓ Total unlocked CN vehicles: 38
✓ Premium/Squadron/Market vehicles
Ground: 18
Air: 14
Helicopters: 2
Total: 34
✓ reserve ones:
Ground: 2
Air: 2
Final math: 18+14+2+2+2=38
So idk if this means some dev guy literally didn’t unlock a SINGLE TT vehicle beyond the absolute basics?
No wonder Chinese tech tree feels like a goddamn abandoned parking lot! :(
If you want to discuss specific tech tree, please use already created thread in Machinery of War section.
Devs play the game like all of us. No, not all of them got all vehicles unlocked. Person who made a screenshot does not have to have anything to do with game programming.