IDK if devs actually play Chinese Tech Tree

It’s always brilliant to know we have a more polished perosonal profile.

But… IDK if this account is a random company account for show or some dev’s personal one.

So, from this screenshot of the dev news we can see he/she has 38 Chinese vehicles
Considering this is an internal account, I assume all premium/squadron/market vehicles (including hidden ones like the 545 and 692A) should be auto-unlocked for testing purposes.
Let’s break it down with a little calculation:
Total unlocked CN vehicles: 38
Premium/Squadron/Market vehicles

  • Ground: 18
  • Air: 14
  • Helicopters: 2
    Total: 34

reserve ones:

  • Ground: 2
  • Air: 2

Final math: 18+14+2+2+2=38

So idk if this means some dev guy literally didn’t unlock a SINGLE TT vehicle beyond the absolute basics?
No wonder Chinese tech tree feels like a goddamn abandoned parking lot! :(


It could be that that particular staff member just doesnt play china?


Eh, I’d say the Chinese TT is pretty okay, judging by how it looks.

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A tragic fact,bro


Air isn’t bad, but ground has some issues with tank modelling at higher tiers. Overall, it is not a bad tree, but it’s just not that loved.

I did see someone say “For every undertiered Chinese vehicle, there are 4 that suck” which seems to be somewhat accurate.

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I don’t think it matters if a singular dev doesn’t play china on their spare time…

Not just china TT, they dont play the game atall


Considering how in the new update streams they always crashed during carrier takeoff or landing…


full time employees aren’t masters of the game! wow!

I don’t like gaijin either due these are weak points

Fun fact that very few know - for a while the MBT2000 was one of the most overpowered tanks in game with bugged ERA.

If you hit the ERA it often would not take damage at all or just go “yellow” - Basically, it had insane armor.

I feel you. This is what Israel feels like despite the fact it has massive potential.

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If you want to discuss specific tech tree, please use already created thread in Machinery of War section.
Devs play the game like all of us. No, not all of them got all vehicles unlocked. Person who made a screenshot does not have to have anything to do with game programming.