Ideas for CAS reworks and balances


CAS is, and always has been a problem for many ground players, especially those with focus on ground and no intention to play air. Revenge bombing, high altitude bombing, and insanely long range missile attacks (such as A-10As launching AGMs from 8km away from the battlefield and turning around immediately) has gotten far out of hand for ground to cope with, especially with SPAA nerfs. I believe this issue could be solved in several ways, and from the last forum I posted under a similar topic, I’ve seen several good ideas. Firstly, a remodel of payments to encourage the acquisition and maintenance of air superiority, so that players are encouraged to shoot planes more than they are to bomb or shoot ground vehicles. This could be executed by increasing payouts for “Ground Forces Rescuer” awards, decreasing awards for destroying ground targets by somewhere between 25% and 50%, or by increasing SP costs of bombs and AGMs, while lowering SP costs of AAMs and other air to air weaponry. A different solution could be dynamic BRs, or a BR cap on what air units you could bring. This BR cap should not exceed the maximum BR of any ground vehicles in the player’s lineup, and if necessary, could be slightly below the player’s maximum BR for a ground vehicle. This would help a lot, as currently in top tier servers, 11.7 rated SPAAs are being forced to deal with 12.7 rated planes, such as the F-16, which gives CAS an obvious unfair advantage. Finally, a rather simple, yet effective solution, could be to just add servers where spawning airplanes is not possible. This way, people committed to playing ground forces could play without having to worry about revenge bombers, high altitude bombers, or long range AGMs. However, to keep SPAAs relevant, attack UAVs, helicopters, and nuclear bombers would still be allowed. I’d really love to see more balanced CAS mechanics, or just servers where I can take a break from dealing with CAS, and I think that either would make ground battles more enjoyable for a lot of people.

1st … wall of text …
2nd … If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles? - #998 by MozzaBurger

paragraphs can help

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Imma call it now that this gets locked within the day. You could have posted this in the billion other CAS threads on here.

Also like @Oldie-SE said, paragraphs are very helpful…

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Revenge bombing

Waste of SP. Using 500-800SP plane to kill a 100-160SP tank is a net gain for your team. Annoying, yes, but it hurts the enemy more than it helps.

high altitude bombing

Is only effective if done by a plane that can carry 2000kg+ bombs and dropped on cap points. A plane like that is easy to shoot down by any SPAA, besides, you can also shoot down the bombs in the air.

and insanely long range missile attacks (such as A-10As launching AGMs from 8km away from the battlefield and turning around immediately)

AGM-65B only lock targets properly from ~5km. At that range any 9.7+ SPAA can shoot down the A-10.

especially with SPAA nerfs

Such as? Name the last time SPAA were nerfed.

decreasing awards for destroying ground targets by somewhere between 25% and 50%

GRB CAS already gives so little rewards it’s barely worth doing. You can earn easily 2-3 times as much in air RB, so no.

or by increasing SP costs of bombs and AGMs

Also a hard no. Air-ground ordinance costs an obscene amount already, with some loadouts reaching as much as 350-400SP (most i’ve seen was around 950SP for a single plane).

A different solution could be dynamic BRs, or a BR cap on what air units you could bring. This BR cap should not exceed the maximum BR of any ground vehicles in the player’s lineup, and if necessary, could be slightly below the player’s maximum BR for a ground vehicle

So you’re saying gaijin should increase the BR of ALL planes in ground RB by .3-.7? Very funny, but no.

This would help a lot, as currently in top tier servers, 11.7 rated SPAAs are being forced to deal with 12.7 rated planes, such as the F-16, which gives CAS an obvious unfair advantage

“Are being forced to deal with 12.7 rated planes” as if all top tier SPAA weren’t a hard counter to any plane currently in the game. At distances where AGMs and GBUs can reliably lock ground targets, SAM could have already shot the plane down. Regarding FnF munitions, those can be easily locked and destroyed by all top tier SPAA too.

Finally, a rather simple, yet effective solution, could be to just add servers where spawning airplanes is not possible. This way, people committed to playing ground forces could play without having to worry about revenge bombers, high altitude bombers, or long range AGMs

15235236th thread asking for a tanks only gamemode. Sorry, no.

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