would rather it had never came instead of being only like 40% there
(another message hidden when I’ve done nothing wrong, why bruh)
would rather it had never came instead of being only like 40% there
(another message hidden when I’ve done nothing wrong, why bruh)
U obviously didnt read my comment.
This is the secret of Polichinelle…Since 2019.
India is following China’s path and intends to develop its aviation industry…
In 2021, the Indian company Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) and the British MBDA signed a license agreement to establish a facility in the country for the final assembly, integration and testing of ASRAAM. Under the agreement, MBDA will transfer the equipment and knowledge to BDL to create the facility, which is scheduled to begin operation in 2022-2023.
In October 2024, it became known that the implementation of ASRAAM in the Indian Air Force is taking place jointly with local companies Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL)…
So the missiles will be changed to the Mirage-2000./Rafal/Tejas…
As for the Russian armament_ India ordered 36 additional Su-30MKI sets in a configuration similar to the Su-30SM2 in 2024/additionally several S-400 complexes/Voronezh type radar/The AK-12 assault rifle for the rearmament of the Army will be assembled in India under license / Several as yet officially unconfirmed projects of Frigates and Submarines…A factory is being built to modernize Indian T-72s for sale to other countries…India also came up with a proposal to build a factory for the assembly of the Su-30/Su-34/Su-35 in India…
The biggest intrigue is, of course, the choice of the 5th generation fighter, after the successful demonstration of the Su-57 in Zhuhai-24., The United States, after thinking for 3 weeks, offered India the F-35A…
It was removed for being off-topic to the suggestion post. Please do not edit your messages to get around staff actions.
It was in discussion in reference to Su30s balance but alr
We that is not how sub trees work
Brahmos launch test.
+1,Hopefully, we can see him fighting alongside Typhoon soon
Can’t wait for the best Su-30SM variant to not be in the Russian TT.
Add China up there as well. I am in the process of getting UK just for this reason.
? Nobody else uses the Su-30SM, it’s based on the MKI with upgrades.
It’s not better though, the Su-30SM2 is the best one
We believe this is a clear marketing lie
It has N035 Irbis, it’s also lighter iirc and can carry newer weapons and newer engines.
only thing relevant for war thunder is the added ability to carry R-37M
I wouldn’t say the R-37M is the only thing, the upgrade gives it the engines and radar from the Su-35S which should make it that much more powerful over the other Su-30 variants, there was talks about giving the Su-30MKI some upgrades, who knows if it’ll actually happen though.
Definitely a +1 from me, got to see a bunch of them come through Al Dhafrah while on their way to Red Flag a couple years ago. Was pretty slick seeing them on the ramp next to F-15Cs and F-35As.
I disagree on placement with most people here. Premium or event for USSR tree IMHO.
The Indian “Super Sukhoi” upgrade program for their MKIs is superior to any Russian upgrade for the Su-30s.