I think the Jumbo and 76 Jumbo should be a tad bit lower

Think both should be .3 lower considering the gun is ok and the armor is also ok

Just learned they didn’t do the APHE changes, maybe the 76 can go down but the 75 can stay


The 76 - maybe? But the 75 is just brutal how easily you can take out the main gun and tracks of opponents just picking them apart piecemeal and then flank for the kill. Not many vehicles you can do that with on the same level, and once you really get the hang of it you can become a real nuisance for the enemy to deal with often requiring them to zerg rush you to take you out.


I agree with this. 76 could probably go down. It’s literally the same vehicle just with a different gun and +1.0 isn’t really worth the difference.

Definitely a no for the 76. It’s a great vehicle and the 76 solves the issue of the anaemic gun from the normal jumbo.


im going to post it again and i actually want to know why it was removed, because i honestly don’t know why it was removed.

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This is warthunder in a nutshell. American heavies and Mediums have to be a entire BR heavier because the nations players going up against them were so terrible at the game that they whined to gaijin and got them up tiered. Break down and analyze everything this guy @Spr4yz wants a jumbo Sherman to do to get a kill, but for some reason they don’t want to apply to same scenario to themselves.

These people want to be able to look at every single American tank point and click it and instant kill it, they don’t want a competitive game.


Would agree if we had gotten the APHE changes. But everyone said no, so I guess Jumbos can continue nuking cupolas and dancing on the burning wrecks of panthers and tigor.

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They didn’t do the APHE changes? Well that changes my perspective a bit

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I use both Jumbo and German I never really have a problem fighting it but when I use the jumbo I have counted once in a game tanking over 20 rounds from diffrent tank. How does that work?

Also bouncing the all might Russian 122 of the front plate of the jumbo.

But also M26… All M26 at same BR is like a joke

If they moved the Jumbo(s) down it would mean that players on the other team would actually have to bring Tank Destroyers to do the job of dealing with heavy armor and that’s just not a thing that happens, sorry man

All the Rank I-IV American tank’s are correctly tiered, with a couple exceptions. The Jumbo 75, T25, T20, T95, and the M26 are all arguably overtiered. If you think the Jumbo 76 is a bad tank, you need to get better.

You want the same experience against Russian tanks (which you already can do a good bit of the time).

i want to be able to do the same thing russian tanks do to just about everyone else? Gee thanks for saying i want " balans "

If you want the real point and click experience, play Germany between 3.7 and 7.0.

Russian tanks already can’t point and click, and if they can, those tanks have huge downsides.

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What’s wrong with that statement? Germany is the most point and click low tier nation there is. They have the best guns, with varying levels of armour to back them up.

thats the br range i play mostly lol easy kills

Been playing USA 3.7 recently and even on single digit level crews they’re still very much point and click. Stab + decent armor is an incredible combo.