I really don't understand why the Me 410 B-6/R3, which should be classified as an interceptor, is categorized as a ground attack aircraft

Her armament consists only of 30mm and 20mm cannons, and she is not equipped with any bombs.
The radar in her nose clearly indicates that she is intended for interception.
I really don’t understand.

The above was translated using ChatGPT.
If there are any translation errors in the above text, I apologize.

Gaijin’s classifications are downright fantasy sometimes.


You might want to translate this from a very poor source like wikipedia:

Several experimental models were also developed. The Me 410 B-5 added shackles under the fuselage to carry a torpedo, and removed the MG 131s in the nose to make room for the FuG 200 Hohentwiel 550 MHz UHF-band maritime patrol radar. The bomb bay was not used in this version in order to make room for a 650-litre (170 US gal) fuel tank, and the rearward-firing remote turrets were replaced by another 700 L (180 US gal) fuel tank for long-range missions. The Me 410 B-6 was a similar anti-shipping conversion, but intended for the short-range coastal defence role only. For this mission, it did not use a torpedo, and was instead a simple modification of the B-1 with the FuG 200 radar. The Me 410 B-7/B-8 were updated B-3 reconnaissance models that were only built as prototypes.

Imho gaijin tries to balance the game with spreading air spawns as a result of those classifications. These balancing attempts are not related to irl usage of aircraft and have to be seen seen in context to the BR. Certain nations like US / USSR are optimized to cater mainly rookies, that’s why we have there very often the combination of too low BRs and/or undeserved airspawns.

So what looks like fantasy is fully intended.