Knowing the way Gaijin dev’s think, it’ll be introduced at 6.0 BR. You know “balance”.
You mistyped 7.7 where it’ll actually be balanced.
If that thing is Tu-95
giving 7.7 seems DOA.
A 4-engine heavy bomber, which has defensive weapons only in its ass (2x GSh-23L), will easily be got shot down even from Me 262
There are too many blind spots.
That’s a radar guided defense system.
The aircraft also goes over 720kph.
Meteor and me 262 food it is
tsk tsk tsk you gotta think 3.0 will be perfect
You do realize those take a while to climb right?
the sea meteor doesnt at all, you can climb higher than bombers before intercept every time to a less extent with a 262 or standard meteor too. once you find that optimal angle you are a spaceship
The game isn’t ready. They can drop cruise missiles on spawn and on most maps it would be only a minute’s flight time until a base was in the “basket”.
These aren’t your grandad’s bomber, they carry literal tons worth of ECM and the guns are radar directed.
Surviving the match would be tricky if your own fighter screen loses their fight, but that is the way it is all the way down to 1.0.
And they’d be shot down by the tail guns IF they got anywhere close.
It’s faster than a Tu-4, more protected than a Tu-4, and with only a lower armament capable of only 1 base destruction.
That makes it a slightly worse IL-28.
Yeah, bears sound nice irl, I’ve heard them many times including right at the aerodrome)
There are still too many blind spots.
The tu-95 is faster 575 mph while a me-262 is 540, catching up while climbing to the same altitude would be hard for a me-262