I have never played any game that has worst servers than Warthunder

It’s gotten to the point where it is literally unplayable. I know the “literally unplayable” memes, but this time I’m serious. We are talking about a multi-million dollar company that has more than enough resources to build a game that can dominate the market, but no, they of course have to milk it to its last drop.

I’m talking about constant ping spikes and PLs. The weird thing is it gets better after 12 am at night. I guess servers are able to actually work at hours at which not many people are present at the game. I’ve been having this issue for a long time. I don’t even think that it’s an internet connection problem since I don’t have this problem in any other game.

The problem becomes even more noticable in Air RB and Air AB modes since any delay at any severity alters the gameplay in a definetily noticable way. In ground RB it’s not always noticable since sometimes you sit and wait. I live in EU, and connected to the EU servers, so it’s not like I’m connected to a server that’s far away from my location.

The funniest part is that I’ve played old RTS games from like 2000s online on community made servers without any problem. Of course comparing an RTS game to a 3D online game in which a lot of calculations are made isn’t really a good thing, but you get the idea

Maybe that’s just me, but I see many people ranting about this problem. I hope that one day they put an end to this problem. Warthunder is the only game that I love dearly, and play frequently. Hoping for the best for all of us.


I raise you Sim City and MSFS2024