I have an steam acc with 100 h of gameplay and want to buy an phantom but i dont have it link to gaijin cuz i started on steam dont know what to do

The problem is that on my steam acc i didnt know about first making gaijin profile and then linking it to the steam and i just played without gaijin now i want to buy an premium but idk if it will be given to me on my acc or just transfered on some WT steam acount with 0 lvl should i make an new acc first on gaijin and link it to my steam after i delete my previous one? cuz i got an usa pack on my steam profile and i got everything and when i buy ge i get them so what should i do

I suggest some punctuation to start, so it makes it easier to understand what you are asking.

But I would contact War Thunder support and ask them your question about accounts and linking etc.

ok so
1: got steam acc without gaijin linked to it and i want to buy a premium but i see lots of people dont get them cuz of not linked acc
2: i only can verfy me email and i idk if i should make a new acc on gaijin and then link it to steam
3: Or just risk it cuz i bought an usa starter pack year ago and it got added to my profile without any problems
so i idk either to make a new acc or risk it to buy premium phantom on my main


Contact support for help:
