I got gifted a vehicle pack on Steam but I don't use a Steam account

Hello and Merry late Christmas to you all,

I have a bit of an issue,
my friend has gifted me the A-10 pack on steam, I did not activate it yet because I realized I have an old steam (made) connected Warthunder account that would receive it. I now have asked for deletion for that unused account so I can connect my current and actually used account with steam. Is there any way to hurry this up as the deletion takes a month but my friend and I would like to fly those A-10s together during the Christmas and New Years holidays right now.

Thanks in advance for any helpful tips. ^-^

Hello, Merry christmas to you too.

You would have to refer to support for the issue https://support.gaijin.net/hc/en-us

If you already did so above ^^ then you’ll have to wait sorry :( it is the holidays so they are busy currently i presume.

Thanks for the quick reply! It’s very understandable that they are swamped with the dreaded refunds, questions and complaints that come to every store after christmas.

Maybe you could help me further though.
As far as I have seen in this forum it is possible to basically move the premium vehicle purchase to this account, yes?

I don’t want to waste the support’s time if it’s not possible at all.

Aslong as the vehicle or item you purchased is un-used and you have proof you own both accounts they should have no issue switching it for you, There’s been multiple instances online with people having this issue :)