I can't get into a match in any game mode

It shows 134,000 people online an 6900 battles. I waited 20 mins and still didn’t get added. I tried in both arcade and realistic all modes air, ground and naval with the same result. It has been going on for about last 10 hours.

I am on an Xbox

Any help would be appreciated

Thank you.

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I’m having the same problem, just infinitely stuck on waiting time, game loads fine, 123659 players online in 6064 battles, but when I click to battle it’s not finding any apparently. Tried multiple countries multiple BR’s and nothing will enter a battle. Xbox Series X.

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I’ll also add it was fine yesterday I was online and playing until midnight ish Pacific Time.

I’m on PlayStation and having the same problem. Might be a console thing

No i have it too and im on PC

They are replacing the hamster right now.
Snail doesn’t make a lot of money, they can only afford old ones which wont last that long.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Same issue, if you cue up it shows 0 players in all BR and servers and nations queuing. on PC, newest patch from steam.

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just wait for them to handle the server problems, whatever they may be.

Its most likely due to the global IT shortage that might have caused the servers to be down

Ye, not just you, they will most likely restart the servers shortly. Happens once in a while, they get them going again usually within 5-10 min.

что за хомяк то?

Same problem on PC



It’s working again, queue is back to normal, number of matches went up by thousands

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Thanks for thr info, bro, its working

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lets goooo

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