I calculated Russian bias. Shocking results. Please Read

When blast door hadnt been touched - yeah, not often.

Idk, but on Type 10 its quite often, when you are penetrated frontaly in turret or between hull and turret.

I can show you articles from India… they are not bias against russia. I can also show you articles from Japan. Also many nations have now spoken out concerns about the russian made tanks they own not being worthy in combat due to actual battlefield data. So yeah… even countries that own them don’t trust them.

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As for the carroussel, I’ll just link this post.

And Japan mass-media woulnt be biased against Russia? LOL.


Entire test is flawed. Black Knight loses multiple charges at once because they are stacked side-by-side, carousel only gets hit one round at a time.

Hahahahahahhaah I knew you will not say you are wrong despite overwhelming evidence. The sheer fact that bvm survived 50% of ammo shots should be a giant red flag. I knew people like you will never admit mistake and continue to die on this hill hahahahahahaha


No you won’t. You never provide sources, lmao.

Lol. Okay. Whatever the propaganda tells you, lol.

Man… You were not liking test, because it wasnt “clear” and then show same unclear test as ultimate proof. Okay, BVM survived 50% shots on test (we will forget about all incosistent things with shots and etc). Where is comparison? You stated not that BVM survives 50% of shots. You stated that BVM survives 50% shots, while Leo2 survives 9%. And well… Where is that second part of statement? Where 9% survival rate?

Off topic so I’ll hide it :


Enough at least for this to happen :
France challenging Russia as second biggest arms exporter behind US | Arms trade | The Guardian

This is because russain tanks have spalling reduced 80%+ so these are the results you get. If they were modeled correctly a single round would detonate the tank.

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Show me where the extra propellant charges are stacked, outside of the carousel, in-depth, on a T series tank. Literally completely different layout. You’re wrong. Just admit it, it’s okay. I do when I’m out of my element.

Off topic^


Article is about aircraft anyway and even inside article there is info about US pressure, failures of UK and etc.

if the spalling was modelled crrectly, half the propellant charges in the carroussel would be hit.

Now even with that 0.15 chance modifier, that turret would go pop most of the times

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Off-topic, so I’ll hide this too.


Damn dog. It’s almost like one country is fighting a war against a country being supported by imports from three of the five largest exporters.

“The five largest defence exporters are the US, Russia, France, China and Germany”

It’s almost as if this was addressed by the article:

“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will probably put additional constraints on Russia’s ability to export arms, as it is likely to prioritise the production of arms for its own military over those for export.”

Wait for second video

They are modeled together with the carousel or should be. Which is where the game shows them to be. So not wrong as that is exactly where the tank was shot in the videos.

Also the devs have stated they use a wet ammo storage modifier for russian ammunition in the carousels so it won’t detonate… Absolutely stupid and gives russian tanks an advantage they should never have.

From the Devs:


Article does not specify aircrafts only.
Also you can go right to the source : SIPRI

He is right you know.

You made a claim without any evidence. Refuse to elaborate. Your response to valid criticism of your methodology (if you have any) is “trust me bro”.

And then you have the audacity to call this science.

I mean your iliteracy on the subject can be seen here:

This was utter nonsense if you had any qualification you would have known that.

And this sentence to dismiss thunderskill is a gem as well. 2 percemt of the active playerbase is a very good sample size… but as you don’t know anything about statistics or science, you really think that was a counter Argument.

Btw. Thunderskill contains over 4 million recorded player accounts. It’s a huge sample.

Thunderskills flaws do exist and they are plenty but sample size sure isn’t it. But you lack the knowledge to understand this… but here you are acting like ypou are an expert and making a fool out of yourself.

You’ve already shown that you don’t do math very well, fail at basinc statistics and don’t understand the scientific method. But here you are acting like you do valid experiments. All he did was call you out on your shenenigans


Spalling reduction could possibly prevent damage from spreading to other charges, but this is not the same test as what happened with the Black Knight.

One shell penetrated both hulls and struck a charge. The difference is that the shell did not persist through and hit another propellant charge in the T series tanks.

From a 90 degree angle, one propellant charge was struck by the penetrator, and then the subsequent charge, which from the angle of the shot, was right behind the first charge, was also struck. You aren’t modelling the same kind of strike.

So you need to amend your complaint to being that: “T-Series tanks, have a more advantageous layout than other top tier MBT’s with two stage ammunition”.

If you want to argue this isn’t fair, all I can say is that you have both crew, and in some models, 2mm structural steel modelled in there to eat some of the shell. Should it be there? I have no clue. I don’t have an intimate knowledge of the inside of late T-72 series tanks, nor any idea of what the inside of the T-80 should be there.

But the difference is, in that angle, there’s nothing preventing multiple charges being setoff, and that is entirely by British design, and not “Russian Bias”.

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It shouldn’t have to. Any spalling of the smallest amount will set off those charges. Even if its one single piece. This is the problem with russian tanks, their over performing. It takes very little to blow the top off russian tanks.

Ugh no… It remains the same. T series tanks are filled with science fiction B.S. in this game, and their charges are not properly detonating. Again, it takes only the tiniest impact with russian tank charges to send the turret sky high. Hence the 1000 dead tanks from the last year.

Also yes russian bias is heavily in this game. M1A1, M1A1 Aim, M1A2, and M1A2 SEP are all set to 50% detonation rate with ammo hits while russian ammo which is more volatile, is set to 15%. So very clear bias.

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