yeah agreed
is there any armor penetration value attached to spalling ?
Because a small metal piece launched at 1500m/s by the main projectile disappearing in a 6mm plate sure is strange as hell
yeah agreed
is there any armor penetration value attached to spalling ?
Because a small metal piece launched at 1500m/s by the main projectile disappearing in a 6mm plate sure is strange as hell
No, in the thread i posted i show a non-spalling structural steel plate with a lower penetration solid shot 37mm cannon.
It appears its a fixed thickness cutoff point at 17mm where it starts to spall with structural steel.
Homogenous rolled steel plates (hardened armor plates) it spalls with lol-pen darts as low as 4mm
Please do not plunge me further into misery, I am already tired of bullets that do no damage or that stop their damage to the first crew member or module.
please also test T-34-85 (D-5T) vs panther D in custom battles… then say that there is german bias in the entire game 🤡
or you might also compare Pz IV H, which sits at 3.7 to things like Chi-nu II, which sits at 4.3, and once again figure out, that the german vehicle is better! german bias obviously! 🤡
or what about the french B1 Bis, not only does it have 60 mm armour at 2.3, but also 2 guns, even germans dont get that! maybe after all there is french bias in this game? 🤔
and what about air battles? aim-7 has to be the best aam amongst 11.0 aircraft and even the platform its mounted on (phantom) preforms quite well, so maybe there was USA bias all along? 😲
or how about you stop clowning around and accept that the game is designed in a way to be painful for everyone and make you spend money to get through tiers, designed to be tougher for your nation? … or something like that…
Lol, you’re not exactly proving your point by pointing out the worst heavy tank in the game …
really? i quite enjoyed it
I also love it, but the 47mm is very bad in all ways and the 75 mm is only usable in some very rare situations.
well, it doesnt matter really, saying that gaijin would be biased against any nation overall is dumb, i began this game as a german air main and decided to try ussr after i heard its supposedly biased, got to 11.0 in air and i still didnt see anything, after discussion with other players i was told i should try tanks, got to 6.7 then quit tanks because it got too painful
why would be they? they are a company, they only care about money
While I do agree with your previous message, i don’t really believe that this one’s a good argument. If 75% of the players of the game played the russian TT, then it would be logical for a company to buff those tanks to increase their selling, creating a bias.
Exactly what WoT is doing btw.
4.3, & 5.3 is really where Soviets shine. 6.7 only shines if you have Object 248 really, otherwise it’s 6.3
Then you’re waiting until 7.7 & 8.0, 8.7, 10.0, and then top.
And deviating from those BRs causes issues but fun tanks none-the-less.
That’s the thing tho, no one’s been able to prove using evidence that there’s Russian bias.
Armor thickness is correct, Mig-29s consume too much fuel & have broken flight models, 2S38 doesn’t use its full ammo store as 1 stage, reloads are not faster than they are in real life cause they’re slower instead using an average reload time rather than something more complicated…
War Thunder’s community is dedicated enough to have 6 classified/restricted document leaks in a single week.
Pretty sure if anyone could prove nation bias they would’ve done it by now.
really? i grinded germans to 5.3 and i enjoyed them more
I won’t say that there’s a bias and I only play ground so i don’t know for the rest.
My problem and the thing that’s getting me a little biased is that all the things I hate (autocannons and SPAA/TD) are present in high quantities in the soviet TT.
I know IFV fans that portray themselves as skilled don’t like hearing this, and I ain’t claiming you’re among them; IFVs have the least sway in top BR matches.
Now, that least sway may still be fragging every unaware enemy, but an MBT could do that just as quickly and still have the armor afterward for normal fights.
And while USA & Soviets have 11.3s, [RIP Leclerc & Ariete armor], their 11.7s are where they shine… well singular in Soviet’s case.
Neither have a great light tank, but they’re better than IFVs.
Maybe they don’t have much sway on the game itself, but they do have a very big impact on me.
I’m playing tanks that don’t have much armour or none at all all the while also being not stabilised. Every time I see an IFV or AA, i’m just dead as the noskill 30mm rips me appart even if i take a shot
I have this simulation video for what it’s worth.
Time stamped at a point without fuel, you can see lots of small spall particles and three big chunks of spalling fragments.
Then further on in the video, when shooting through to the fuel tank, only the APDS round is going through and the spall did not even break off from the armor.
true! Even with a 3.7 PzIV you can fight 5.3 tanks easy! The JpIV on 4.3 is deadly if played agressive.
25mm APDS, not 120mm APFSDS
1100 m/s, not 1500m/s
and on top of that a simulation that may or may not reflect the real performances of the round
The whole thread is based on Statistics that are demontrating ODL[One-Death Leaving] issues into occidental teams,…
But yeah, let’s say this is Russian Bias,…
People always overestimate things,… but don’t wanna hit where it should be → players mentality
40% of US Teams Does ODL
5% of Russian Teams Does ODL
So,… with unadvantaged teams by 35%,… it is likely that Russian is going to have best winrate,…
The problem is not vehicules, the problem is players.
25mm APDS, not 120mm APFSDS
1100 m/s, not 1500m/s
and on top of that a simulation that may or may not reflect the real performances of the round
Yes, but that’s what we have and it’s better than just words.
However even with a slower speed we could see a drastic effect on spalling. And I can believe that, having seen how drastically bullets slow down in water.
Spalling are bits of armor projected at a speed comparable to the initial projectile’s speed, as far as I know.
Spall would have less energy as the projectile causing it, and in context of tank rounds, would be of weaker material and odd shapes
Some of these “bits” can be quite big, I don’t see any 10, 20 or even 30mm stopping that
I would imagine larger pieces would have more drag in fluids.
and even if it does, it should bounce all other the place. Russian mbt’s being cramped is quite litterally THE weak point of soviet designs, and it somehow becomes their force in war thunder.
Can’t comment on how it should or shouldn’t be, but from the perspective of War Thunder no modules bounce shrapnel they just absorb the damage, which is your point but it’s been this way since before modern vehicles were added.
More over, the effect of spalling should be reduced on tanks equipped with spall liners
Yes, and unless I’m wrong, I do believe that was implemented long ago. I could be wrong.