Hungary Subtree Discussion

I personally have an issue with the Hungarian subtree (which was the reason why I myself became a Italy main). It has so many missing vehicles like T-55s, IS-2 (needed techtree gapfiller), D-442, BMP, etc etc. I believe we need these ingame to obviously fill gaps in where Italy suffers, because right now I feel Hungary is just an excuse that Gaijin cares about Italy toptier.

Now when it comes to air, I feel like this is just one of many things that Gaijin has promised and then forgot about. At high tier Mig-19 could heavily heavily boost Italy, which right now lacks an early supersonic and the only thing close enough is the G91Y. Additionally, Hungary recieved Su-25s which it needs to boost its cas options (which is heavily lacks are 10.0, either facing an uptier with Su22 or bad cas with G91Y). Lastly, it completely lacks a WW2 Hungary presence which just kind of sucks because again, Gaijin promised it would come soon after the addition of Hungary air which nevered happened.

All in all I feel that Italy right now sucks because it just has one very specific playstyle which isnt appealing to many, and honestly a difficult playstyle. Fully adding the Hungarian tree (which I mean actually just random copypaste as an excuse to give Italy JAS39 and leo2a7) would really boost the appeal of Italy and allow long time mains to relax sometimes instead always having to sweat.

Additionally, Gaijin can milk this as there are already some hidden Hungarian premiums and more premiums could be added (example like a 2S3 akatsiya, Su-7, etc)

What do yall think about my yapping? Im personally going to try and work on a T-55AM suggestion and a Su-25 suggestion

I support the Su-25 but I doubt it going forward, for ground there’s nothing to offer but copy and paste with vehicles with no line-up. Italy lacks a proper battle rating 6.7 and battle rating 8.7 line-up, adding those vehicles is forcing playing it on higher tiers or with no other back-up, something most players consider when playing War Thunder, but for me,

I wouldn’t bother playing a T-55AM from the tech tree alone, something that I do while playing War Thunder, and I’m doing for almost 2 years. I personally thinks the T-55AMD-1 is far superior than the T-55AM, I don’t think it should’ve been a premium, but having the chance of playing it without going for monetary means, is good.

at least t55am has armor and good gun. italy currently lacks reliable 8.0-9.0 mbt (other than of40, which has certain playstyle)

Hungary didn’t use Su-25, you probably mix it up with Bulgarian one. Also Italy absolutely doesn’t need Su-25 in its TT, there is a ton of subsonic jets with pretty good CAS capabilities, AMX is already pretty good and there are more variants, as well as multiple Aermacchi jets.

Italian TT already has too much of unnecessary copypaste, I prefer to get unique stuff from subnations, like IAR-93B. Romania can bring IAR-99 for example and Lancers with nice CAS options.

T-55AM is less criminal, though again we can have more interesting TR-85 and its predecessors instead.


I know about unique vehicles which I fully support more romanian vehicles being added, its just that for some reason they didnt add romania as a full subtree (why I dont know), and I mean why add hungary if they wont even add the full extent of its vehicles?

On the subject of CAS, AMX is 10.7 and the only earlier guided weaponry is on Su-22, whereas other nations have pgms early as A-4E. I dont want more copy paste for italy, and would prefer M-346FA and other aermacchi jets, its just confusing that when gaijin does supposedly add stuff like the hungary subtree, they dont actually finish it

  • Plus they havent really added much unique hungarian vehicles anyway, like the D-442 series (although that has limited capability) so if we are talking about unique, they wont even add unique magyar stuff

I’m not sure about D-442, there is a variant with missiles, but some say they are mock-up + another variant (prototype) should have 20 mm. I waiting at least for the addition of the props part of the air TT with HEJA, Me-210Ca-1 and other stuff, as well as more WW2 ground vehicle Toldi III, V-4, regular Turan II, Toldi Páncélvadász.

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additionally, looking at the suggestion for hungary, ive found some modified T-72s and T-55s with native magyar ERA.

and whilst I would like nice vehicles to be added (like FIROS), it seems to be that the devs are just not as capable as before when they regularly where able to add whole new trees and mechanics (or I mean maybe the game is so bloated now that they mostly are just doing bug fixes). I just think at this point in time copypaste really is the only viable solution for Italy, which even gaijin has a hard time implementing correctly (A200C missing armament, maw pod, litening 3, etc.) Later on they can hide these vehicles when better stuff comes, in a similiar fashion to what they did with Thai tree (of which I still await 84 oplot!)