Hull Armor of the M1 Abrams

This is for the spall liner

And this is the turret basic structure if you want to calculate the turret crew area volume.


rough calculations done in head gets me to about 8-9square meters for the upper turret.
i looked further and the basket is 1.2m radius and about 1.2m high. so (again roughly) 9 square meters.
which makes things make more sense, a total of 18 square meters (from head-math). but then you probably don’t have liner everywhere since it has to be mounted around some stuff.
but yeah, bigger than i thought.

Another photo from book. It said:
Composite armor, similar to the British Chobham. The composite includes steel, depleted uranium sheets, ceramics and synthetic fibers. is the equivalent of 560 mm of steel armor on the front of the hul

l and 90 cm of armor on the turret.


They dont consider books credible.

that’s… that’s one of the only things except straight up manuals or manufacturer info that they in fact do accept…

Do I really have to put /sarc every time?

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yes. its text. sarcasm and text don’t go together and this forum is full enough of misinformed people that many might believe that you actually think what you write is true.


A video showing the effectiveness of different materials vs. apfsds:

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What book is this from if I may ask ? Gaijin can be very picky on some of the authors.

Abrams got a very good suspension to handle more weight and armor!

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"Tanks (inside out) Michael E. Haskew.

To be fair, there isn’t enough context to derive sarcasm here. I thought you were being serious lol.

What does that even mean, youre the one misconstruing everything

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I said the v3 service date started in 2020, Ayeflyingcowboy said it started in 2018. He denied everything i showed him continuing to clam it was in service in 2018. What am i misconstruing? The service date is 2020.

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In may of 2019 the SEPv3 was under FOT&E. It wasn’t set to be issued until 2020? what is the argument here?

The Army received those tanks for testing. The SEPv3 did not enter service until FY20.

The Army received HSTV-Ls too. But they never entered service.

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USA winrate is a disaster they gotta do something about it not just sit arround while us mains suffer from spall liners and germany and russia in the same team.

fym this is a devblog about the abrams, and since usa got the lowest winrate in wt history they need a buff asap, china is 53% winrate

even italy got more winrate than us bruh

@arsenal119 now that it’s in the Abrams hull armor forum, the M1A2 SEPv2 would be able to have DU in the hull because the M1A2 has the same armor as the “latest generation of M1A1” (the M1A1 HA, or Heavy Armor) in December 2001:


The current obstacle is gaijin wants armor values. They have claimed that without armor values they do not know how much the armor is improved, or in their word made weaker.

The SEPv2 is not expected to be completely replaced till 2028 so it feels like we are between a rock and a hard place.

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