Hull Armor of the M1 Abrams

This is how m1a2 sep v1/2 armor should look like with its 3rd gen DU inserts


I would not use steel beast for estimates they are way off.


More accurate than Gaijin.


They also need actual physical samples to be shipped so they can chemically test the DU to make sure it’s actually DU. They also need to see the manufacturing and assembly of every single M1 in the U.S. inventory just to verify 😂

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Yes, at least the armor figures make more sense, although in any case the armor of all modern tanks is secret so everything has to be based on speculation, but speculation is better than putting the same armor on a 2015 tank as a 1987 tank.


They extended the turret years before they started the development of the new ceramic armor.
500mm-600mm RHAe vs KE is actually very plausive, every single M1 Abrams hull front armor is ~650mm thick with the 101,6mm backplate.
CATTB uses the same hull front armor as the M1A1 HC, with a total weigh of 4,060lbs, that’s a 30.34% increase in weight compared to the M1A1 hull front armor, no way it doesn’t offer better protection.


The documents and sources I have seen in this thread leads me to believe that at least the M1A2 SEP v2 should have DU in the hull. As it seems like DU in the hull was being researched in 2006, leading up to the production of the SEP v2 upgrades. The M1A2 SEP was already in production in 2006, so it’s kinda hard to say that document means that DU is in the hull in the M1A2 SEP. Now I think I saw another source in this thread that stated the hull armor was upgraded in the M1A1 HA. That upgrade may not have been DU, but if we could prove that it was carried over to later Abrams variants then it would effect all the hulls on Abrams tanks in game 11.3 and up. But still even then, Gaijin will have to settle on the protection that they allow it to have in game. How I base my opinion based on the information I have seen and how Gaijin will interpret the same data could be totally different.


You forgot labeled “Not A Bug” 😂

Nooo that wont happen as then ZS38 would not be able to farm Abrams from front…

This game is just ridiculus , giving tanks like challanger 90mm of protection on LFP or Abrams 75mm on turret ring…

This is jsut for russian BMP`s and ZS38 to kill those frontally , which is not possible in real life.


So the added weight of the SEP improvements weren’t for the armor because “there were no surface area changes” or something? Seems odd considering they could’ve just fit better armor into the space the old armor was in without changing the “size” of the front plate. If the excuse is that the Abrams front plate never changed size, and that’s how you know there was no extra armor ever, that seems pretty weak tbh.


Giving the Abrams volumetric hull casting and volumetric turret race should fix that problem, but nah let’s ignore it for years…


Hopefully they add the spall liner. My source is pretty solid on the bug report.

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how come only russia get’s prototype features, in example:

  • thermals they can’t produce anymore,
  • 3 tanks mixed in one tank: BVM
  • vehicle that isn’t in service yet 2S38

while abrams has 5 confirmed prototypes with DU armor, that’s a no-no suddenly?


Then which variants received which generation of HAP?

HSTVL, Begleitpanzer 57, ADATS, TXX, Challenger 3(P)…your point?


Challenger 3 (TD)


Honestly like if they’d come up with an actual good reason for not having it I wouldn’t care. Yes it needs better armor but with a good excuse it’d be fine. This is not a good excuse though, this just seems like laziness

Gaijin ground devs continue to go out of their way to nerf the US ground tree. Its been an issue since the tree was added. From nerfing APCB performance, to refusing to give US tanks service ammunition, to giving the tree worse variants of vehicles than foreign trees also operated.

All Gaijin is achieving is to drive away bug reporters and long time players. The idea that the US would not up-armor the hull of its main battle tank after 40 years of service is beyond absurd.

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Again, what?

cough HSTV-L, M1128 (x2), XM1060 (best ADS in game), 4 variants of the XM8/AGS prototypes, a Turkish M60 (a bastardization of the SLEP), the Israel Dor-Dalet (Israel doesn’t even get this variant), the OH-58D (I can only find a very select few units fielding these 100M USD relics), a prototype AH-64 (who doesn’t need 4?), and… The MBT-70, which seemingly has 2 existing unfinished prototypes.

Do you have any of those prototype variants in-game? No? Thought so.