Imagine thinking 24 SEPv3 in 2017, 56 SEPv3 in 2018 and 135 in 2019 is a “few”, like I said as of 2023 GDLS hadn’t made 215 SEPv3 since their contract was awarded.
Don’t believe everything you read in an article, the US budget reports make it pretty clear what was going on, they were procuring SEPv3s (215) prior to the contract being awarded.
Until the tank goes into production it is a concept tank. A concept tank will not see combat. And prove the army was approved to build 250 tanks. All that was provide was a request to upgrade 250 tanks out of 5,000.
No it doesn’t, all it tells me is they had to rapidly come up with a way to try and improve the M1A1s armour, it doesn’t mean it was on par to the DU armour, at the end of the day they weren’t going to have enough M1A1 HAs, so they had to bring what they had meaning even if the M1A1s weren’t going to have the same armour as the HA then some improvement was better then none i.e. that 19mm was apparently seen as a good enough improvement for what they thought they would face.
This once again proves my point, it’s heavy metal makeup is what makes it dangerous, not the radiation, this is why they are talking about what happens when the DU dust is inhaled by people. Regardless, you keep posting stuff that proves my point, they don’t know what is causing said issues and they have never been able to prove what the exact cause is:
This random picture with a context I just thought up do really proof that I’m true.
No offense, but I have a really hard time trusting someone who mostly plays Russian vehicles to see some of these things objectively.
And your proof for it not being true is? Just you saying it isn’t and randomly linking it to something from 30 years ago?
Using the whole “but muh bigger gun experiments/prototypes” in current day arguments honestly seems like a huge cope.
Yeah there was a reason why those programs were initiated and there is also a reason why they were cancelled back then. However there is also likely a reason why the US hasn’t revived those programs.
It was a request until the US government signed off on it i.e. according to you they spent $2.52 billion dollars upgrading said 215 tanks to SEPv3s just for them to not be usable, you’re not serious right?
First off you have a request, so no one has signed off on anything. Second unless you provide documentation that say they built and deliver these tanks they were never built.
The army asks for money all the time and gets denied. You have provided nothing to prove 215 SEPv3 were built before 2020.
I’m sure being radioactive does absolutely nothing helpful. What these documents keep saying is simply there’s no conclusive proof, but strong indirect evidence and it would be silly if the radiation was irrelevant to the health of exposed populations.
In my mind, it’s clearly all but proven. Radioactive material, heavy metal or otherwise, is generally speaking not particularly healthy. It’s factually hazardous at the best of times.
Seems you haven’t understood what I’m saying.
The statement about DM53 being proven only in Ukraine isn’t true. As far as I recall, tests done by Germany happened even in the 2000’s or something. Those nations knew long before 2021 if DM53 could punch through the vehicles that existed at that time.
My next sentence I mention that DM53 and equivalent ammunition was known to defeat all then-existing T-64, T-72 and T-80 variants. Because of firing trials during the 1990’s.
danielo is making wrong statements. Even Relikt won’t have been a mystery since basically any major power could construct a T-72B3 equivalent hull composite based on schematics they have, make a copy of relikt based on its technical schematics (which afaik are in a patent application) and just test it out. It’s not like you need live fire trials to figure out things like that.
The 130mm+ guns just aren’t related to T-64, T-72 and T-80 variants because those tanks basically cannot be protected in any meaningful way against any half-decent 130mm+ APFSDS round made since the 80’s.
130mm+ guns are total overkill for that role.
Armored Warfare always did pretty nice research and showed it off, useful information about 140mm programs.
First off you have a request, so no one has signed off on anything. Second unless you provide documentation that say they built and deliver these tanks they were never built.
I gave you a document from 2017 that showed what they were asking for and then a document from 2018 showing they got what they asked for…
Regardless, here is the budget for FY 2019, it shows that what was being asked for in 2017 and 2018 was approved which is why nothing was changed:
The only mystery about Relikt and new version of Kontak 5 is the explosive they used.
Now the Russian only use 4S23 (which is still a secret) for the Relikt and newly produced K5
4S23 is less sensitive again normal round but much more sensitive to anti-tank round.
It being radioactive is actually pretty irrelevant, you do know how dangerous heavy metals are right? You ever hear about lead? It doesn’t give off any radiation like DU does, and I am not going to go around inhaling it, same with Arsenic, I also just gave you a study that found the non-radioactive Tungsten could be carcinogenic… point of fact even Aluminium isn’t safe:
Surprise, heavy metals are dangerous, DU being radioactive is actually the least of its issues.
In my mind, it’s clearly all but proven. Radioactive material, heavy metal or otherwise, is generally speaking not particularly healthy. It’s factually hazardous at the best of times.
I can tell, meanwhile Tungsten is A OK even though there is limited research, the research that has been done points to it being carcinogenic, but hey DU bad Tungsten good.
And no, its not a concept, we need a combat stipulation? Holy crap dude. Do you know how many vehicles we should remove based on that, and how many russian vehicles dont belong too
A concept is a 1 off that isnt built all the way and used for tech demonstration, this is so far from that. Youre remaking definitions
Im from Poland so heres translation. M1A2 sep features semicircular reactive armor and additional machine gun on gun barrel. DU armor is present on the lower front plate and turret(book said turret, not cheeks only, so maybe DU is on breach armor too?). Fire control system was modified increasing data speed. M1A2 sep mass grew to 65,2t and speed has been sligthly decreased to 66km/h