i just said that though.
Perhaps I’m not understanding something. I’m pretty tired.
If the blue plate is intended to stop spalling inside the tank, shouldn’t more spall be created after when it punches into the metal turret?
Or at least that looks like Metal to me.
does it specify where the depleted uranium is? I know certain models have it in the turret but lack it in the hull.
It listed hull and turret armor testing. Gaijin already said that the document stated there were 5 tanks with hull armor. You had acknowledged that already.
I’m totally fine with an extra vehicle being added which includes such test DU plates, but if it wasn’t in the production models, I think it should remain off of the current SEP in game. Besides, a DU SEP without all that ERA to weigh you down while being an extra 11.7 would be nice, no?
but think of it acting like this:
bending outwards like a blooming flower instead of shattering.
I’m not sure that’s a spall liner, but I do know this exists in the Abrams. I’m not really sure how it works though.
All tanks produced after 2006 had DU hulls. The Sep v2 standard the armor set while the Sep V1 was full of prototypes.
Do you have documentation to prove this? If it’s in the previous document, has it been shared with Gaijin?
Gaijin is currently no longer interested in entertaining the topic.
As can be seen here.
They refer to your source as third party, which I suppose makes sense under their current situation.
I’d suggest just asking for the prototypes rather than dealing with the headache tbh.
it isn’t but it is (arguably) the backplate of said spall liner, so you have(from outside of tank to inside):
armor plates of different variety’s and number.
spall liner.
thin metal plate that bends instead of creating more spall/fragments (like the linked video).
that inner most plate is to prevent getting things caught in a fabric while moving around in the tank.
There is enough evidence to support that the V2 has hull DU. The biggest grip is that it has the weight of the armor but does not have it modeled. There is really no reason why gaijin sould not model it, other then they have no idea what the armor values would be and do not want to try and estimate it.
All I know is that the tank does not have a formal spall liner made of Kevlar in or behind the plate of armor inside the Abrams. It’s unfortunate, however, I do have a list of other things that can be done to help the Abrams in its current situation.
Put in a Bug Report for the Abrams Turbine being excessively loud. It’s excessively loud compared to the T-80.
Request a Spall Reduction on the 50mm Turret Ring. This will lower your chance of being one shotted without a spall liner.
Request a Flak Jacket upgrade for the Crew. Since documentation states that the Abrams was not outfitted with a Spall Liner, they chose to provide Flak Jackets to the crew. This will essentially make your crew more durable against Spall.
Convince Gaijin to add the A3 Dart. While not effective against Relict, it will certainly help against T-80U and lower vehicles using ERA with KE protection such as Contakt-5.
Request the ability to take off the SEPv2 ERA package. It makes the tank excessively heavy, and the ERA does nothing now that stock AP is present at rank 8.
Request modeling of the Turret Ring since it will act as a pseudo spall liner.
Except for when we do show documentation, and Gaijin is the one who makes the assumptions. Case in point: Stinger missile.
And that is when you should do what we did last year. But only then.
And don’t dox people.
Fair enough!
I desperately want the Abrams buffed, but this situation is full of people’s personal beliefs, anecdotal evidence, and emotional outbursts.
In fact, I’m actually pretty happy everyone has been reasonable so far right now.
Regardless of spall liners us crewmans wear flack jacket, that doesn’t necessarily point to abrams not having any spall mitigation method implemented.
As for integrall spall liner and for their validity check: Does the Abrams have a spall liner? No from what I could find
Count_Trackula provided more than enough sources