HSTV-L vs 2S38

Face to face battle = 2s38
Flanking the enemy = HSTV-L

where are you getting penetration stats from?

60 degrees.

at 0 degrees its less than 300, how would it be more at 60 degrees? and in-game at 60 degrees it pens 160mm

160x2 is 320mm of pen.
Thickness /cos angle.

you can cleary see the HSTV-L doesnt pen that ingame though… I literally sent you the statcard.

He is calculating LOS penetration at 60°, which with a bit of trig is 1/cos(pi/3) = 2 times the nominal thickness shown on the statcard.



160mm / cos(pi/3) = 320mm LOS
(The statcard shows the penetration capabilities against an armor plate of the given nominal thickness at a given angle)

The caveat is however that since you’re shooting at angled armor, the armor effectiveness is also stronger, so it’s kinda irrelevant. The Angled surfaces you’d be facing are often the turret cheeks or ufp, which most of which exceed both darts’ penetration anyway. The parts that are weaker are however less angled, think about the mantlet. Though a decent amount of mantlets are capable of shrugging off 270mm of pen as well or greatly diminish the post pen.

So most things you can pen will be still the flat parts, in which case they are so weak both the 2S38 and HSTV-L can pen them. I’ve checked a bit around, the HSTV-L has some significant advantages against the following vehicles frontally by shooting the driver port region: Leopard 2 (and derivatives), Type 10 and Leclerc (however the margin for error is also pretty large for the 2S38 there). The HSTV-L can also ufp pen the Ariete’s ufp on the beak and can pierce the upper layer of the Merkava, allowing it to disable the transmission at least.

Still, first shot on both vehicles most likely should always be directed at the gun barrel. Anyways the comparison of the HSTV-L and 2S38 I find silly anyway, they play both very differently. And the in game gun performance of the HSTV-L is just a whole other issue because it’s just ahistorical, which all is irrelevant to the comparison with the 2S38.


done mumbling?

I see that someone is claiming Americans are all Russians and employees of a Hungarian company at the same time.
His post gaslights all of us.
His post claims real world data proves Russian equipment is superior… lol
Sorry dude, but real world data proves that American equipment is superior, and that’s reflected in War Thunder.

Reaper, stop attacking everyone that tries to improve USA.
Stop claiming everyone that tries to improve USA is a troll.
Americans are not trolls.

Ah yes.
Another post where someone’s claiming that HSTVL defenders are Russian Gaijin shills…
Reaper’s post implies that everyone stating 2S38 is incorrect at 10.0 is on payroll…

Not sure why posts have those dumb claims.
“Dude loves and defends American equipment. Must be Russian Gaijin Shill!”
“Dude wants 2S38 to be 10.3 instead of 10.0. Must be Russian Gaijin Shill!”
Just lol

But yeah, the WT community agrees with me that 10.0 is incorrect for 2S38.


Has someone made a vote? I’m interested to see what the WT community thinks?

Yes :)

We have all voted, and we have concluded that @AlvisWisla is in fact @RazerVon. The vote is in.


If that was true I’d be banned for using an alt without permission.
Using alternate accounts is a violation of rules.
I do recommend people report suspected alt-account users.


Gaijin makes the rules, Mr RazerVon.

Edit: Hidden cause truth.

They make statements not rules. Rules would affect everything.
Or maybe they made a rule to execpt russia from that rule??
The 2S38 ist just another statue of russia`s handholding in warthunder.

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