Better yet, why isn’t the 2S38 at 11.3, HSTV-L is fine where it is, 1.5 second reload, decent APFSDS, and it swallows shells like nothing else.
I’ll never forget the bug report about the depression on the HSTV-L being incorrect, there were multiple sources submitted stating 17° frontal depression and mods (and by extension, devs) stated that THEIR OWN MODEL doesn’t support 17° depression…
I heard about that sheer lunacy.
I can guarantee you if the HSTV-L was Russian it would’ve been fixed years ago.
ULQ has posted a video of him playing the A-10 and nuking MBTs from 8KM away, while most A-10 players I’ve encountered ingame was tryna hug every ground vehicles to spread some love, these guys wouldn’t even survived the MG4 from Leopard 2A4 lmaooo
I know I was there tagteaming the guy saying the A-10 couldn’t use mavericks at stand-off range.
Was a fun thread.
There isn’t enough substantial evidence regarding XM885 for Gaijin to make it accurate.
The amount of attempts at getting the HSTV-L more accurate is in the triple digits, and Gaijin simply doesn’t listen nor care. There are 5+ sources saying the XM885 has performance on par with M774 yet simply because no hard penetration numbers exists that are available to the public, it won’t be changed.
Spookston has gotten direct quotes from engineers on the ARES project and Gaijin is adamant on not changing the HSTV-L.
IF you wish to discuss XM885 or other things related to HSTV-L you can take it this forum as Myself and @CalvinAz have discussed this stuff there.
This might be my hopium talking, but here’s what the snail said last BR change (back in April)
Sure, the “muh statistics” part is… worthless… but them finally acknowledging the issue and a vague “we’ll make a decision” is more progress than we’ve ever gotten on this front.
Also remember War Thunder is marketed as a Historically Accurate Simulator but that “Historical Accuracy” is entirely up to Gaijin to decide when and where it applies. In this case, not with the HSTV-L.
I don’t trust Gaijin to make a decision, I don’t think anyone does. We shove IR-Tracking and XM884 in their face and they just laugh at us. literally 15(exaggeration) different sources state that XM885 should be near M774 performance YET current XM885 is worse the 76mm APFSDS from the OTO, when XM885 was originally based of the Naval 76mm.
I would like their decision to be made in favor, sure punt the thing to 11.7, just give the things it should have then.
Or what they could do.
Leave HSTV-L at 11.3 and add the RDF/LT at 11.7 with the proper features. proper XM885 performance, XM884 and IR-Tracking.
Yes, 100% agree. I’d rather it max out the BR scale than remain artificially gimped.
That would be very cool if they added the other variations into the grindable tech tree but they still should give the HSTVL its proper munitions. One thing just about everyone neglected to state was the difference between armor and pen ratios between HSTVL against T-80BVM and 2S38 against 2A4 and first few abrams. 2S38 is ridiculously powerful against Abrams due to the abrams incredible ability to have a massive horizontal drive and large breach.
All in all the HSTVL can’t really go down because it has a pretty high survivability compared to other light tanks meanwhile the 2S38 can’t go up because it’s just massive compared to light tanks and would get stomped all the time. The only thing that can help at all is if the HSTVL gets its munitions corrected.
The M1A1 is not 10.7 material. It is way better than the base M1 and should stay at 11.0.
Isn’t the M1A1 the same thing as the M1A1 HC other than the IRCCM?
Mostly I think the HC has enhanced armour on the turret cheeks.
oh, cool. didn’t know that
Not at all, M1A1 base is equal to IMP1 but with 120mm. But for Gaijin reasons even using the SAME turret, M1A1 has weaker armor than IP… on the other side, M1A1HC has the same armor as M1A2 Base, without M829A2 but with IRCM(actually useless)
repeat after me, all American tanks are made of paper in all BR. , if you play on 6.0 you will not penetrate any tank, as they all have greater armor and greater firepower and the maps are funneled so that you can encounter a panther head-on or an is-2, if you play on 7.0 as well , if you play in 10.0 you will find the t-72 and 80 to kill you with just 1 shot while you hit them with 3, killing the commander and the guys still say it’s a lack of skill, I think “one of the nations” The one that requires the most skill and strategy is the USA, as they are paper tanks according to gaijim, I have played with the USSR, Germany and Israel, and what it seems is that the only thing that is good in the USA are the CAS, which are being nerfed for new teen players
I think the nation that requires the most skill is the USA
Whenever playing with USA at higher levels, instead of doing like the enemies and aiming at any point on our tank to blow us up, we need to aim at the tracks, at the barrel, USA tanks were designed for flanking and long distances, which is not an option. in warthunder
Why are you talking to yourself?
I think the nation that requires the most skill is the USA
You require perspective.
I’m not going to completely downplay you
i will agree that USA does require more skill than others, but they dont require the most, theyre more of a “jack of all trades, master of none” but they are considerably harder than that of say, Germany & USSR (being able to rely on their armour and weapons)