Hq fxaa

Is it just me but is anyone having problems with HQ FXAA after update looks like its not even on but is enabled in menu.

Others are having the same issue but not everyone has been talking about it. I only saw one other post besides this one. I hope they fix it soon my game looks like shit.

I agree 100% am surprised not much other people are talking about this problem. It was fine before update i have seen others saying it was the dev server before launch and migrated over to the live build. as you sayed better fix soon because its awful looking.

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Link to a bug report go ahead and hit β€œi have the same issue”

Apparently it is an acknowledged bug so hopefully they are working to fix it. I discovered that there are other graphics settings not working for me. Level of detail for terrain for example. Terrain looks super garbage and it looks like I am running ULQ.