HQ-17 Should Be an Upgrade Kit Modification for Tor-M1

Gaijin should make HQ-17 an upgrade kit modification for Tor-M1, as it is the same situation as the 2S6.
2S6 to 2S6M1: added thermal, better missile, better radar. All in one modification.
Tor-M1 to HQ-17: added thermal, better missile, better radar. 410k research to get the vehicle and another 88,700 to get the thermal.
Not even mention the missile is not that much better: 35m/s more top speed (885m/s) which is still the slowest, 3km more range but no extra thrust added, and still no fire while moving.


Does the new missile still leave a smoke trail that is visible from a million miles away?

I honestly hoped that the HQ17 would be something closer to a TOR m2 with more missiles and fire on the move

Grind, comrade!

wheeled HQ-17
HQ-17 original is honestly not unique enough to be it’s own vehicle, HQ-17A is much better