How will the old Soviet Object 195, 477A, 490 ect compeer to the new NATO stuff like KF51 and EMBT?


The late Object tanks with the 152mm were prototypes made at the end of the USSR, How will they compeer to the new NATO stuff like KF51-U, KF51-EVO and EMBT-2024 (140mm). Considering there is a 30-40 year gap in technology between them.

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Inform yourself of recent performance of the best current Russian MBT’s against old NATO MBT’s and then take a wild guess…

I’m afraid you think those technology demonstrator vehicles have some mind-exploding armor technology when mostly are the same-same technology scraped over again but with a active protection system and some crazy stuff like that drones,

Note to the technology demonstrator part, in one hand we have a full finished product, in other we have some obscure technology with little public information backing its innovations shown to the public. I believe that any of the late Soviet main battle tanks still capable to engaging such targets;

Specially the Object 195, which from my knowledge shares the best values in terms of firepower and protection in the same horse, for the sake of the others opposite to my opinion, the oversized turret Leopard and the other thing (reads E-MBT 2024) seems to be very armored and capable vehicles but far from cheap and easy to produce;

But I still stick with the Object 195 and such others, I don’t want to be incapable to reply to the enemy because some minor electronic issue in the compartment of the turret while watching myself getting shot from kilometers in a steel and expensive coffin.

What I mean is, using the T-14 Armata as example, is the only real next-generation main battle tank currently existing with a real working product, yet, it’s not in full-scale production because it’s expensive to produce and to keep working, same will do the KF-51 (and all the other variations) and the E-MBT 2024, considering too the AbramsX which probably someone will mention here later on.

Oh, like the M1A1 SA abrams that was taken out by a T72B3?


Object 477 will be the best high caliber MBT, nobody can convince me otherwise.

Most part gameplay will be the same as it now. Nothing is real going to change on that part. The only thing I can think about being different is optics and maybe so other elections suit things. As all of them can get destroyed and old soviet ones are just going to get heavier dose of breach being destroyed