How to spade Tu-4?

How do you spade Tu-4? I don’t even get near the enemy base before I am shot down by a jet or someone’s missile.


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Want to know the trick?


You don’t


try to make it to bases, or grab a couple of friends and carpet bomb in grb

In AAB you bomb ground units ASAP - dive and get ahead of the pack. With any luck your gunners will get a kill or 2 occasionally too.

Also use a backup so you get more points per game - often later in the game the enemy has lost it’s best a/c and you stand to get an interrupted run

in ARB you fly high little… errr… big bird :) And hope for a downtier. You can also bomb ground targets if you think you might not make a base.

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the only way i can think of is: SIM battles


Play Sim. Play on days where BR rotation lets you be top BR so you don’t have to face missiles. Using clouds to sneak around really helps. Use the incendiary bomb loadout and go for airfields. The hardest part is landing the thing, especially in maps like Afghanistan, but it’s way better than playing AB/RB.

Play Air Sim.

This will sound dumb but it can work, but airfield spawn it and hug the ground while swinging slightly to either side of the map. Since you’re so slow compared to jets your facing by the time you get halfway to a base the initial furball has dispersed and people will be more focused on dogfighting each other to see you coming in towards the bases sometimes and they are likely to not have as much missiles/ammo left. You can also opt for low alt carpet bombing armored columns and gunshipping light ground units. If people are looking for bombers they’re going to be expecting you up high. They’re not going to expect you dipping and weaving just barely above the terrain. it’s not always effective, but you’re slightly less of a sitting duck while playing like this.

For me, it was fly high and wide. Also figure out how to aim with gunners, those cannons did a decent job when I managed to land a hit