How to set ai to follow you like in single missions?


for an escort flight for example with action:

In this example:
and later in the same example:
Assigning an objective to the enemy fighters to protect the bombers…

In my not perfect template mission are 2 examples for planes following other planes:
-The second german flight (BF109 that follows and protects the player’s flight (FW190)
-The allied P47 escort flight that protects the B17 bombers.

Can you do a screenshot of what properties did you use to BF 109 follows a player on a specific plane?

-all settings are in the template missions in the attached zip (94.4 KB) (443.2 KB)
You can either open the missions with the cdk editor or edit with a text editor.

squad1 (Schwarm1 /FW190s and Schwarm2/ BF109s are spawned and take off


Trigger 30seconds after 109 Schwarm2 took off action to follow lead flight

unitMoveto Schwarm2 follows Schwarm1
03b unitMoveto Schwarm2 follows Schwarm1

activation of trigger when enemy escort flight is close to player flight Schwarm1
03c activation of trigger when enemy escort flight is close to player flight Schwarm1

check if enemy escorts are nearer tham 3000m
04a check if when enmy escorts are nearer tham 3000m

action Schwarm2 attacks escort flight
04b action Schwar2 attacks escort flight

Thanks, that helped a lot but do you know is it possible to do it in multiplayer?

Sorry, I have no experience with creating multiplayer missions. But I suppose at least for coop missions it could work.

Ok, Thanks for your help :D