Any advice on how to play or what to appreciate about the game mode?
If I play Naval I play EC during the weekends. The rewards are still miserable but at least the game mode is fun since you don’t spawn within like 8km distance.
I also find this game mode incredibly frustrating.
It feels very unrewarding to finally dial in your shots and land a couple direct hits for almost no damage to be had. Now, im not saying that damage should be increased, as that would throw off the entire game mode.
I understand there ARE players who can consistently land shots that do critical damage to the craft and sink ships without much effort, and increasing the damage of shells would just allow these players to dominate the waters more than they already do. I think a more reasonable change would be to rework the way aiming works, or adding some sort of “training wheels” to arcade that allows you to dial in your shots much easier.
As it stands, Naval is very unintuitive, especially if you dont understand naval warfare and how to account for the projectiles ballistics with all of the different movements etc. None of this is explained to the player, and the reticle used to calculate your shots does little to explain WHAT the reticle even does or what sort of ballistics its account for.
To cut this rant short, I believe Naval could be a great game. But it needs more work in the department of actually explaining the game mode, what shells do what, and where to actually HIT ships.
(Many players make the mistake of aiming directly on top of vessel where most of the armor is located with the smoke stacks, flight deck, armor plated guns and whatever else may be present. When in reality if you want to sink a ship hitting the bridge then the hull, midship, bow, stern all at the waterline is typically the best way to confirm a kill, but of course aiming for this is extremely tedious.)
My advice is to simply ignore the aiming assist „triangle“, it only updates ever so often and is not always accurate. The reason why many players land crazy shots is that back in the day there was no aim assist. You just got the range of the target and that’s it. People who played back then usually just ignore the aim marker. But I agree that there should be a naval tutorial like „ aim low when the target is coming towards you“ and stuff like that
Is there a way to remove the aim-assist?
I played Naval for the first time in several months only for the United States Navy decal.
I stuck to 3.7 and the experience was still insufferable.
Spawn zones close enough to open up on eachother as soon as you spawn.
Spawn zones that are easily spawncamped.
CAS is absolutely worthless, which some people would be happy about while others are immensely frustrated.
Severe balance issues between nations.
I genuinely don’t get why anybody would want to play it on a regular basis.
Yeah Naval have quite a bit of problems. I only hope they get fixed
They won’t. I also forgot to mention how utterly garbage the maps are.
Gaijin won’t fix a thing.
A flag? Lol flagging me doesn’t disprove what I have said.
Sadly not. I would love to.
Wait you don’t love to spawn in and get immediately ra**d by 3 7.0 BB that are only 10km away while you are in your 6.0 Cruiser since all you get is constant uptiers?
I didn’t touch that BR range but I have heard about how agonizing it is. My sympathies.
I personally rather enjoy naval, but there are some caviats to that.
First, each nation has a sweet spot. Something they are good at, but not all nations are good at the same thing and I dont think any are good at everything.
Top tier BBs for example, Britain is rather limited on ship choice, whilst the Hood is good at times, it sucks at others and fighting the German Scharnhorst, sucks.
But in contrast, Britain has some pretty decent Destroyers and Light Cruisers which I find very fun to play.
I mostly play 5.7 with ships like HMS Belfast, HMS London, HMS Kent and HMS Southamton. (HMS Tiger can also be fun, but needs the right map). I do also tend to get burnt out after more than a few matches. So play the gamemode sparringly, though that is why naval events suck so much for me.
I do wish Britian got some new stuff, not necessarily better stuff, just… different stuff. Like a destroyer with a SAM for example. Though we do need better stuff too like a WW2 Era battleship.
So its finding the right BR/Nation to suite your playstyle and that just takes time / experimentaiton.
Great, welcome to Naval! Thanks for your interest in this mode.
I’m a Realistic Coastal main, so I’m a little bit lacking in some areas, but I still played both AB/RB:
Arcade Naval (Bluewater/Coastal): here you can learn the basics of aiming. Naval beginners should probably play Arcade first, as the landing points and deviations are easy to understand
Also, if you like torpedo play, Arcade is strongly recommended, as it offers timed reloads. -
Realistic Naval (Bluewater): assists are reduced and aiming is slightly more difficult, but ship speed is also reduced compared to Arcade, so gunfire is easier to hit in Realistic in my opinion. Realistic also has less impact on the battlefield by aircraft than Arcade, making it easier to enjoy pure ship-to-ship combat.
Realistic Naval (Coastal):This is the most chaotic battle in Naval, but in my personal opinion, RB Coastal is the most game complete game mode. However, it takes a very long time to build a strong deck, so I have to admit that it is generally end content.
Also, as mentioned in the topic, Naval Endurance is a very fun mode and a mixed battlefield where destroyers, cruisers and battleships (and even some aircraft) all have a chance. Unlike random matches, the tactic of taking a long-term view of the match and the coordinated action with teammates is required, which makes it very satisfying when the match is over. (Although it can be very exhausting after a match :P)
A lot of advice on AIM has already been mentioned in this topic, but the best advice I can give you is to
- “look at the smoke emissions of the enemy chimneys”
The direction of the exhaust smoke is an important clue as to which direction the enemy ship is now heading. Trusting your visual information and your brain’s FCS rather than your aiming position is the first step to becoming a good player.
Good luck! and Thanks Read :3
Obviously everyone has their preferences as above - for me it is mainly about accumulating SL, and I have a lineup almost exclusively of premium USA 5.0 ships, plus a couple of PT boats and aircraft that does that for me.
I play AB only.
But also some others that are good for doing dailies and special tasks - 3.3 Soviet coastal based on the 2 x Pr 123 torpedo boats - good for getting cap streaks and torpedoing DD’s.
That upgrades a little to 3.7 for getting aircraft torpedo kills with the Soviet A-20 carrying 2 torpedoes - although I’ve also used the British and French Hellcats for this at low BR’s too.
Soviet 5.3 DD lineup is good at getting kills at >5km with DD guns, as is the US 5.0 lineup.
The Japanese 7.0 with Shimikaze and 1 of the other “Long Lance” DD’s is great for getting 80k damage - since torpedoing AI ships on the big open water maps counts!
Getting 7/9/15k damage in a game is usually the US fleet - although a good game in anything can get 7 or 9 k.
French lately I’ve been grinding the coastal tree - which is a bit interesting, Italian I don’t use all that much - it’s interesting in some respects, but not really 1st choice for anything.
Germans are reasonably good at everything without being outstanding at anything - they can be substituted for any nation in any of the scenarios I’ve mentioned. One thing they share with Italians is that if you have a moderately high BR games you can rule the Coastal cap points with their boats - Jaguar/Pr206 and Freccia/Saetta - those all eat anything else that uses coastal spwns for breakfast.
So there’s lots of options and it really depends what sort of game you want to play.
I would recommend to start directly with naval RB instead of naval AB (though better to try both). Imo arcade speed boost and torpedo spam kill all the immersion of naval battles. Targeting system in NRB can be not that comfortable at first touch, but it doesn’t take much time to get used to it. Try both destroyers and boats (separately to avoid uptiering of boats), most of people find coastal not that interesting, but for some, like me, it can bring a lot of fun. For example, Italian MAS 441 boat added in the last update gave me a lot of positive emotions during spading (although they increased its br a bit). For destroyers, try to get American‐made/inspired ones with fast firing 127 mm, they are the most meta, in the Italian TT it’s Impetuouso and premium Geniere (not RN Geniere!).
Hey, you seem experienced in naval lol, so im going to ask you.
Ive been slowly getting into it, but i find i dont know certain aspects to it. Im playing Arcade now to get the hand of it first, but im having problems say for example with range, sometimes my crew will get the range on a target, but if i switch target that range remains and i dont know how to adjust it. Is there a begginers guide anywhere?
Range is adjusted by moving your aim point up and down the screen - ie the zero line in your sight below or above the target ship - that’s it, there is nothing else.
You might have realistic aiming turned on for arcade. If you do, then you will need to adjust it manually (most people use mouse wheel). Check this option to see if it is on first (this is in the OPTIONS menu, NOT the controls menu). Most people do NOT turn this on for Naval Arcade, so if it is on, you can turn it off and not deal with manual distance correction for Naval Arcade:
If that option is off, are you 100% sure you are actually changing targets? ALSO, I would strongly suggest making sure this option is OFF as it will re-select targets randomly, I cannot stand having this on for Naval:
The keybind for “selecting/highlighting” a target is the same in Naval as it is for Ground+Air. In case you would like to check that keybind. This one IS in the controls menu. You must first go to the “Common” tab at the top, search for “Lock Target”:
EDIT: IF you do prefer Realistic aiming (manual distance correction) here is the keybind to do it, and again would recommend using mouse wheel. Most people do NOT turn this on for Arcade, but just in case here is the keybind:
Turn ON this setting first to use manual distance correction IN ARCADE (Realistic uses manual distance correction by default; this setting has has NO effect on Realistic Naval Battles.)
Then, find the keybind:
THEN you need to “open” that specific keybind menu to see this screen (double click to the right side of the keybinds, it will then open the sub menu/screen).
Huh! Well there you go - been playing Naval Arcade since it came out and never knew this.
Probably because I won’t be using it now either! :)
Awesome! Let me know if you still have issues with your Naval controls/aiming. I thoroughly enjoy digging into controls/settings. I almost always learn something new too when trying to help other peeps. Cheers, happy hunting!