How to get better at the game

almost every game I cant even make a 2 or 3 kills, its getting hard for me to play so I would appreciate some tips to improve my gaming skills

Okay, well for starters, can you give more information as to what you want help with? Like is it RB AB, air ground?

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Follow your team, dont be at the front of the charge, aim at flat surfaces near center of the mass, if you have trouble penning check what ammunition you are using - there are ammunition guides on youtube, if you have trouble with certain tank, find it in your garage and check where its armor is thin. What BR and nation are you playing?

rb ground battles

Pretty much this.

There isnt single “git gud” trick that will suddenly make you 7.0 K/D death god.

Its highly mode, BR and id even say nation dependent.

And nation/BR?

alr thanks

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germany 6.0

Okay, well what nation are you grinding rn?

Edit, nvm I see.


Ok, so with tiger - learn to angle, there are probably graphics online showing best angle. Use APHE, learn spots where it pens certain tanks from the front, from the side it should kill any tank. Aim at crew compartment, not the engine.

With panther - dont angle, your side armor is very weak, the rest is the same.

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Shoot and scoot ,since everything on that br can pen you frontally

Hide ,shoot ,move .

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Im offering my tips then:

  1. Dont rush top tier. Best way to get better ks to actually have map and game mechanics knowledge. At lower tiers games are slower and mistakes are less punishing so you get to learn more.

  2. make proper lineups, have vehicle for every role.

  3. understand what each of your vehicles in the lineup does the best. It is good flanker, does it have powerful gun? Ask yourself questions like that and answer them.

  4. once the match start, look at the map and decide whichever vehicle in your lineup fits it the best. Ie. A map like advance to rhine is probably terrible map to play paper armored snipers.

  5. learn how to rely on hearing, preferably get headphones. Most of the time at close range you can hear the enemy before seeing him.

  6. never ever drive over open field unless you are 100% sure no enemy is watching.

  7. if you struggle with particular enemy, look him up in garage and figure out his weakspots.

understood thanks

Well German 6.0 is very good for starters…

You get the Tiger E and all the panthers. Plus you get the Zeostiger or whatever the heck that quad AA is called…

I’d recommend for this line up specifically learning the following…

  1. Learn how to angle. This is VERY important for the Tiger 1’s
  2. Remember your gun is very good. You should be able to pen most anything you see frontally.
  3. Shoot and move. Stay mobile, Panthers especially are pretty mobile for their size
  4. Sniping engagements are your friends, again especially in the panther.
  5. Learn flanks and flanking routes.
  6. Stick with your team. Your reloads are somewhat long and if you get into a fight with multiple people you’re done for
  7. This one is kind of general, but use your binos when you can. They’ll save you.
  8. Use the audio to best of your abilities
  9. Use your smokes well. But don’t be an ass and just pop smoke whenever you feel like it…]
  10. Remember that your reverse gear isn’t good in the panther, so remember that there is no reversing if you miss, so don’t miss XD

That’s all I can think of rn, I’ll comment again when I think of more

alright thanks you

Don’t take full ammo load. It increases the chances of ammo explosion and it’s extremely rare to use more than a couple dozen shots in a match anyways.

Don’t only take armor piercing shells. HE and HEAT shells will almost always one-shot open-top tanks, e.g M18.

Don’t rely heavily on armor, It’s best not to get shot in the first place. Binoculars are great help for this as they have more zoom than most WW2 sniper scopes, and they also originate a few feet above your tank. This means you can be using binoculars to spot tanks over hills even when your tank isn’t exposed at all.

It’s also good to be mindful of your engine sound when enemies are around.


SHHHHH don’t give away all the secrets of the trade XD
The gotta learn something for themselves XD

Don’t worry, I almost never play M18 anymore anyways.
