How should I play the leopard 1a5?

Im asking this bc this tank feels so much worse than the competition, its gun seems to not spall at all , and also the armor is non existent your dying to 30mm easily with this in quite a decent range , and also the map pool with constant 10.3 matches makes this even more painfull.
I have over 500 matches with leopards in general and yet I hate this tank and just play this because I need to use this to reach the next Br

Its not like im doing terrible with it but I just can’t find an good playstyle with this tank, on long range maps you might suffer while facing T series , the event FV , and merkavas , on close range your lack of armor makes also hard to fight those since most times you have to aim for weakspots while the enemy doesn’t , your tank is so small that any shot that pens will at least take 2 crew with most times exploding your ammo .

I highly doubt that unless you’re side on…

Also, use its mobility and gun handling… easily one of the most annoying tanks I have to face…

Ah I’ve typed the whrong thing, I meant 30mm not 20

And the mobility on it isn’t the best anymore , kpz 70’s or mbt70’s xm803, and the french amx’s (specially the amx 40) are faster than you , even though in the stats it says the mb70 is a bit slower it accelerates MUCH better , just the top speed is slower but your rarely will reach that top speed and the difference is irrelevant (1 km/h) , and the turret traverse speed is average being faster than on the amx’s and on the Tseries tanks but much slower than on the mbt70 and xm803

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Oh yeah, those things are even more annoying to face in my USSR lineup…

I think we can agree that those tanks (XM803 and KPz/MBT70) are quite busted and nobody cares cos its not Russian.

I think the leopard should be played as a flanker or a sniper, depending on the map.

I have a similar WR in my equivalent BR tanks to you, so it might just be a case of the US dominating at this BR range (9.0-10.3)

Simple. Don’t use it and use T-72M1, M48 Super, Kpz-70, and TAM 2IP at 9.3. Though seriously, Leo 1A5 only has the gun going for it at 9.3. The mobility is slightly above average at 9.3. Just play it like a light tank and snipe/flank only.