How much rp do you need to get from reserver USSR to toptier?
Given that you need 5-6 vehicles to advance to the next rank, using approximately the median vehicle RP cost for each rank, and ignoring RP discounts from foldering, I calculated the ballpark figure of about 5 million RP. The actual value could be up to a quarter less than this figure when factoring in foldered vehicles.
what does foldered vehicles mean?
They are vehicles in the same slot and are “foldered” because their image resembles a folder. These vehicles require less RP to research than normal tech tree vehicles, usually because they are very similar in version or not impactful enough to make a significant difference relative to the non-foldered vehicle.
The reason people grind them is because its less RP but they still count towards the amount of vehicles needed for the next rank.
Here is an example of what they look like, and the RP diffrence they can have.
ok. and i dont mean every vehicle just those that i need for next rank
how many SL would it cost to buy those
Using roughly the same assumptions above (but foldering doesn’t matter this time, since foldered vehicles cost the same amount of SL), about 15 million SL.
and that costs how much ge?
36000 at the best bargain
Buy a premium tank instead
im talking about planes
same for planes. One premium jet with good rp multiplier is enough to grind the entire TT.
Don’t buy a premium jet, unless it’s an early jet up till the R13-300 because if you go straight into 11.7 with say MiG-23ML you WILL die.