HOW is the F-16AJ THIS bad

I need some help how the HELL are you supposed to play this absolute garbage. It’s airframe is AMAZING. It’s missiles are trash. It’s gun is trash. Your team is trash.

If I fly low, I get destroyed by missiles with IRCCM like Matra Magic and R-73, (AIM-9M if I get too slow), if I fly high, my team dies before I can do anything and it ends up as a 6v1. “Use your AIM-7F” that flies into space the moment you launch, even with the best possible launch. “Use your AIM-9L” it’s one tap flared by EVEN THE F-14 if you’re over 1 km in distance. “Stay away from IRCCM carriers” Okay but then how am I meant to kill them if I can ONLY use my weapons sub 1 km

Its Japanese, you are meant to just to just crash into the target not use missiles or guns


Aim-9L only at 13.0 does seem kinda rough. Only thing I can think of is to stick low and fast, aim for things that are distracted. I would also suggest sim, if you dont mind dealing with AV-8B+ and Sea Harrier FA2s firing AMRAAM at you in that gamemode, but at least it gets you out of fighting the F-15C and F-16Cs and Gripens

There is a trick with the Aim-9Ls that I havent quite figured out entirely yet but I’ve heard about it before. Dont just fire them straight at the target, but lock on and then drag the missile right to the edge of the missile FoV in the direction the target is flying and then fire. its suppose to help with avoiding flares as the flares would be further out of the missiles FoV or something

(video of this, finally found it)


Thanks, I’ll try it

Real funny lol.


just F-16ADF with F-16 block 10 fm… it still better than his american/italian/taiwancountry/israel counterparts

Yeah it’s horrible. it should be sitting at 12.3.

12.7 alongside F-14B