How i am susposed to use it?

Hi, I want to buy 2S38 but I don’t know what is the best gameplay style for it. Can someone help me with this?


Best way is to flank and hit tanks in the side. And keep an eye out for helis so you can shoot them down before they do too much damage

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Range, flank and if you get someone to teach you how to do irl artillery. That also.

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thanks i didn’t know much about these play styles.

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basically do not get into the A,B,C objective in straight line or rushes to them, go AROUND them. or if you know where the choke point where people going, hide near it and blast everyone that you can pen.
(not that i ever use them) but it pretty similar to other flank and spank tanks

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thanks, good to know.

I would recommend flanking and hitting enemy team from side. You will have decent speed and nice firing rate, so you will inflict good damage to them.