How do you F4C?

This thing start with 2 AIM9B, and no CM at all, at 10.3 BR.
Looks like a real pain and I will most likely skip it.

But just in case, what would be your advices, for stock grinding and once you unlocked almost everything (base bomber + A2A after?).

It’s a bad jet plain and simple. Having no flares and a garbage FM is a recipe for disaster at that BR. It has 8 missiles but none of them are good. It’s better to have 2 reliable missiles than 20 unreliable ones


Skip f4c get the f4e. While stock you can base bomb to less suffer and when you got full AA you can try to fight players. dont take bombs when you have full AA because
If someone decided to target you bombs will lower your survivel chance

You don`t.
You are more or less a free kill

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You have a massive speed advantage for 1, but no flares, generally speaking, if a slower plane pulls behind while you’re at Mach 1+ if they are further than .5-1.0km’s out just full AB and run.

If you have low energy, carry some FFAR pods, their rocket motor will flare away a missile.

For radar missiles; just stay low in the radar shadow.

That’s really it. (Do not bomb bases in a fighter, the actual bombers and strikers will greatly appreciate and applaud you. If you’re stock grinding though, it’s acceptable)


f4c could be better if gijin would give it more of the weapons’ it used but they wont that the thing and u will suffer so much

This logic doesn’t exactly apply. F-4C has its correct weapons, and giving it any more powerful weapons will only make it worse.

And this ideology can also apply to stuff like the Su-27SM. The SM could carry R-73M’s, and the Kfir C.10 could carry Python 4’s. Many planes don’t carry their exact weaponry due to balance.

That’s a dumb way to look at it ngl. Give the vehicles their weapons, and then balance them that way.

The MAIN drawback of the F-4C is the lack of CM’s. Giving it more powerful weapons and pushing it into even more powerful missiles doesn’t seem logical.

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Well it handles like a bus, slow (for the BR) and crappy missiles (The radar makes this ever worse). The F4 is not fast like you say, it can go fast sure, but good luck getting fast with your crappy engines. it is objectively the worst possible experience ever, I suggest you play it. It already faces missiles it cannot dodge, so putting higher up wouldn’t change a thing.

At 10.0 it can atleast face braindead 9.X players. Plus I think its kit atm is accurate. I might play it one day.

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bombing is an effective strat

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its easy to take it out at 10.3 tho u cant doge a aim-9Ls /r-60m or anything tho aim.9c or r-3s and they could still give aim7d if they want to todo a early/late versions tho and if we look at the su-17m2 with NO Flairs tho but has 6 r-60 and ur at 11.3 and u cant doge shit or defend and u can barrel bomb at any tier above 9.3-13.3 tho because there is only 4-5 base witch they should give us more base like have 12-24 base that makes so people wo want to bomb can and people that want dogfight can still do that and it would make it a lot more easyer to play and u can add more bombers and add the F-4G phantom2 as the air to ground anti radar rockets making way more fun while making it having 50v50 in a lobby or if u don’t want it that high of mount of people they should let us choose from 8v8 o 16v16 24v24 and 50v50 tho

AHEM I do believe you mean soon to be 10.0 (imagine a British guy with a top hat and monocle saying that XD)

yea true but but if it get uptier ur fuck but if u get down tier ur good to a point depending who is on the other team