i have recently gotten into naval and am starting the USSR tree, barely at rank 2 and am researching the SKR-7. I get the general concept of naval, which is shoot enemies till they die, but one thing for the life of me that i cannot figure out is how to aim unguided rockets, like M-8’s and eventually RBU-6000’s. There is like 0 information i can find about it other than some reddit post with barely any info from a few years ago.
Anyways, how do i aim them? Do i just spam them and pray or is there some way to accurately aim them. Idk how tf the rocket aiming reticule works for ships, and in general dont know how to use them.
A explanation would help, thx.
A air player here. Although I am not 100% sure if it works in naval, but I do have some simple tips you can try.
Rockets are more accurate between 600-800 meters. Anything farther than a kilometer will most likely miss, and anything closer than 600 meters will be going too fast for the rocket launchers to accurately target. If you are playing Arcade, I suggest using your gun (if you have one) until the target gets close enough, and then using your rockets to finish them off.
Rockets are very inaccurate until you get guided ones (I don’t know if naval has those). That is the reason why some of them are called barrage rockets. (I think one of the American coastal boats has those). They are used to barrage the enemy, sending off multiple (that’s the reason why the SKR-7 has 144 rockets) at the enemy, hoping to get as many of them hit. So, yes, you are correct on spraying and praying.
Rockets have different aiming methods depending on the range. This is also a thing for air battles, but the closer you get to the target (max. 400m) the more up you have to aim, because the rockets would likely be fixed a bit up. (this is because they wanted to maximize their range. So, your cursor (the aim) is where the rockets would land in 800m, and they would land a bit under the cursor at 600m, and eventually at closer ranges, you would have to look a quite a bit up. If they do have the aiming reticle for this (that would be the lines under the gun aim) the line closest to the gun aim is for 800m, the second one being 600m, and the last (the farthest) line from the gun is 400m. (there was a 200m one too but that is useless)
Credits to the owner of image
So that is what looks like for rocket sights in AIR ARCADE.
- Take your time and test the rockets, as they might take some time to get used to. And since you’ve just began, I predict that it will take a lot of time of grind all the way into the SKR-7. Take the time you need and slowly and in a fun way grind into the line. Maybe you can even try USSR low tier planes since the I-16 type 18, type 24, and the IL-2s have rockets.
Best wishes on the grind.