How do i limit the FPS in WT?

I have set my Nvidia controlpanel to limit my fps 60 but after the update the limit does not affect ingame fps so my computer hit 230 to 320 fps and start peaking with performance and then the card hung and the game crash

before i could work around with limiting the fps but now the game does not get affected by it
only the hangar does but not when i start up a match or test

From your screenshot it looks like you are setting the limit for the wrong program/game.
You are setting a limit on “Microsoft Sign In” (shown in screenshot), which isn’t WarThunder.

You need to find Warthunder in your program list . It might be called “aces.exe”, but I’m not 100% sure.

If you’re not sure, or can’t find it, try setting the FPS limit at the Global level (“Globale indstillinger”) and see if that works for Warthunder. (The only issue is that this will limit it for all games, not just Warthunder).


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F- yea nice thanks man

turn out i have been limiting the wrong thing after the update
did it so long time ago cause this old horse has problem running games so i forgot

but could not find the game it self only the launcher
so just used the global settings as you said

and it seems to work

thanks for the help

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No worries – glad it helped.

If you just wanted to restrict Warthunder you can try the Add button (“Tilfoj”) and you should be able to just add the actual Warthunder program name (and not the launcher). This is how it shows for me:


I haven’t tried it though as I just use global settings.

Ah oki so i can just add it nice to know
