How do I change mouse sensitivity in the hangar without changing sensitivity in battle?

Recently I lowered the mouse sensitivity in windows settings before making the DPI higher appropriately so that the sensitivity feels the same after the change. Turns out in WT the sensitivity was OK in the hangar or while pressing the “show mouse cursor” key in battle but the sensitivity appears to be too high when in battle (e.g. while aiming the turret of a tank or looking around using mouse look). Afterwards I changed the DPI back to what it was before I changed the mouse sensitivity in windows settings and the sensitivity was too low in the hangar but normal in battle.

How do I make the sensitivity the same without reverting my changes?

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I just press my DPI button on my mouse. I use different DPI values depending on if I am flying, and in what view, and if I am in tanks, It depends what I’m in and what view i’m using.

DPI buttons are simple, yet brilliant.