How come Sweden still has a huge SPAA gap from 2.7 - 8.7 (Vote)

Lets go through what we see below.

2.3 - 2.7 “These are great the Pbv 301 is pretty okay and the L-62 Anti II is fun!”

3.0 - 3.7 “Sure i guess the L-62 anti II can manage.”

4.0 - 4.7 “we have the Lvkv 42 with no ammunition. So not great to start with… Guess ill stick with the L-62 Anti II”

5.0 - 5.7 “wait nothing? guess we have to use the L-62 Anti II again. Since the Lvkv 42 runs out of ammo so easily”

6.0 - 6.7 “Nothing… guess ill have to use the Lvkv 42 since aircraft are faster and the turret is better than the L-62 Anti II. still the 860 m/s rounds makes it harder to hit anything than before…”

7.0 - 7.7 “An ZSU 57-2 better its not good but at this point the Lvkv 42 is useless…”

8.0 - 8.7 “Finally the VEAK 40”

  • 3.0 - 7.0 SPAA for Sweden!!
  • No its fine… (idk how you think that but you do you)
0 voters

you mean a gap between 4.3 to 7.0? everything else is fine


Well the Lvkv 42 has no ammo, the ZSU 57-2 is a TD hiding as a SPAA. No 3.7 no 5.0 or 6.0 only the darn Lvkv 42 that is attempting to cover that gap

Even then the ZSU is a TD more than an AA. I’ve seen it used as an AA(as it can do both. better then the other TD listed as an SPAA)

I visited Arsenalen, the Swedish tank museum. And there is a variant of the Anti or Lvkv 42 with twin 40mm cannons.
While I think it would be an interesting addition I do think it would suffer from the same problem the Lvkv 42 has. Being a good anti tank platform but have way to little ammunition.

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Yea i visited too, i asked the people that worked there about the Lvkv 42 and it was told to be included with the inventory moved from axvall. But i have further sent Mails about the vehicle they have non responded to those

You guys talking about the Lvkv m/43? @karnitin75



Bkan can be used as a SPAA

Besides the Lvkv 43
every other vehicle that can be added is kinda lacking in information or possibly for other nations
There’s stuff like the Bofors trinity which is just a system that can be mounted on vehicles


There’s the Tridon which is pretty big, struggling to find info about it but think it could potentially carry a radar in the middle if needed and the gun might be a l/70 which means potential for programmable rounds
think there’s also a different version called Trika that possibly used a different chassie but not sure

same issue with the Bofors ARMAD 70 RBS

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