How can I report a direct message on War Thunder?

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bro send that to a game master, the guy will get banned probably by the end of the day, at least 90% of that is a chat ban offense

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How do I do that?

you just DM them

Any particular one?

Lol, what did you do to him to make him that angry? 😆

I turned off my engine in arcade because I knew they were coming and my light tank would not front pen them.

any of them really, it might take a day or two for them to get back to you though

oh hey game masters here

Hey, please do not post rule breaking content, not even as second hand content.

Images/videos are not accepted as reports as they are way to easily manipulated.
You can right-click the message to send an in-game complaint. We have to have a report made the correct way to be able to take any action at all. A guide on how to report each issue can be found here: (How to properly report players and contact Game Masters!)

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