How can i get Ersatz M10?

How can i get Ersatz M10?

It was an event vehicle, so it will never be made generally available again.

You might get it through one of the lottery-chest events if they make it available as one of the past event vehicles that you have a miniscule chance of getting - but the chances of that are vanishingly slim and you will almost certainly waste a great deal of money and then not get it.

the only other way is if someone else gets it in such an event and puts it on the market where you will pay real money for it.

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It was available in the latest one that ended today. So yeah,SL chest the only way atm. Was only account bound,no coupon.

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Ah - thought it was the GE chests - well SL chests are much less of a financial risk at least, so you can blow your entire SL balance and not lose much… as long as you have auto-repair turned off!!

Outside of the GE and SL chests that come around every event, there is sadly no longer a way to get the Ersatz M10.