How can i contact witn Game Masters?

Hi, this morning i got banned because i was using a name with prohibited characters (/n but with an ascii code), and the ban message claims that i can appeal the ban after changing the name (i´ve already done it), I went to the warthunder support page and i have opened a ticket, but there is 0 sign of activity aside from my message explaining the problem.

Im not sure if i have to appeal here in the forums on in the support page, since the support page, on this support page tells me to refer to the game masters forum, but the link leads me to a non existant part of the forum.

Thanks in advance. -Fnx

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Hi, should i private message one of the GM´s directly? i dont really want to bother them a lot :p

Yup feel free to privately message them. I’m not sure of the specific information but they should be able to help you.


Okay, thanks you a lot! ^^