How and where to send a bug report regarding incorrect damage

Relatively recently, a tool for analyzing enemy shots after a battle was added to the game. And I have about 30-40% of all shots in the game that absolutely do not match what this tool tells me. Almost half of all the shots, just imagine.

So here’s how and where I can send all my bug reports about this. Because it seemed to me that this could be done in the game with one button, like “send this shot to the developers as wrong.” But I did not find such a function.

Honestly, I’m tired of the poor technical condition of the game in this regard. Before the introduction of “volumetric projectiles”, although there were ridiculous failures (which, by the way, have remained to this day), at least the damage after penetration was decent. Now the game is more like WoT, where the game itself decides what the outcome of your shots will be, and not your playing skill.

Thank you in advance

Bug reporting:
(You use same login as here)

I’m pretty sure the “bug” is the random seed that determines whether a shell will pen, and how much postpen damage it will do, is not carried into prot anal.