Why they named this update like Hornet’s sting?
The real hero of this update is russia again : R-77-1.
All air battles are won by SU-30SM, and it’s R-77-1.
There is no sense to exp F-18 right know, while russian has better missiles, and bigger ammount of them.
Why each update favors russian machines? It’s so boring:
SU-30SM, only one real top tier spaa: Pantsir, killing top tier tanks from front: 2S38 on 10.3 SQB and much more…
Su-30SM and its Mirage 2000 performance…
meanwhile the F-18C is the 3rd best airframe below mach 1 with a great loadout.
Pantsir can’t frag meta CAS.
2S38’s the same BR as its equals.
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Let’s see…
- Spurious claims made that typify lack of knowledge about the game
- For some reason Russia is the villain despite them being mediocre at best
- Completely ignores own nation’s numerous strengths
- Pantsir and 2S38 brought up despite the first one being incapable of shooting down a compent CAS player, and the second being a glass cannon with 1 good feature
Can YOU identify the culprit behind this act of Forum Vandalism?