Oddly specific. Was it because it was the only harrier there?
No lol, but your misunderstanding my point
I strongly beg to differ. Mi-24D begs to differ even more than me
Yeah, one of the very very few still flying in Europe. Britian has none these days, so its the Spanish one that always does shows
EAV-8B was my favourite! This year my dad brought the departure tickets so im hoping they bring some phantoms and F5s down again so we can watch them fly! Really looking forward to it!
Do your F-35B do the hover spin at airshows?
Very jealous. Would love to do all 3 days and see things like the Tornados fly in.
Not always RAF F-35s, last year was German iirc. Was the RAF one in 2022
Nice. What I wouldn’t give to see an F-15 flying. Do you guys get F-22 demos btw?
Usually, RAF puts on a pretty good display wirh fat amy. They do this new one focusing on it’s capabilities but really its just them wishing they still had the harriers
“Look what you need to mimic a fraction of my power” - harriers watching from the museums
Another question, do you guys have pyrotechnics at your airshows?
No, at least never when i’ve been. We did have a B-2 once, it literally flew 4 hours, did one pass of the flight line and then went back home again :D
Must have been the cosford airshow F35B was at. They all merged together. (They had the mirage 2000D counch delta display from the france)
Haven’t seen a B-2 fly (though id imagine it has quite the presence). But I have actually seen a U-2 fly
B1 from fairford quite often!
Funny how Brits see more US military jets than ppl in US lol
The US is so massive its way bigger then all of Europe haha! And in the UK the US has bases you use as a pitstop for europe
They’re the best. Watched an AH-1Z demo, they had lines of small charges to mimick the 20mm impacts, and big one for rockets and hellfires
I have pyrotechnics coming from me when I see a Fim-92K screaming towards my mi-24D while I’m flaring and my ircm was on lol