Hornet’s Sting Pre-orders: EC-665 Tigre HAD-E and F-16A Block 10 Netz

Two new pre-order packs for the Hornet’s Sting major update have landed on the store, featuring unique bonuses, Premium Account time and Golden Eagles!

Pre-order - Tigre HAD-E Pack

The Kit Includes:


The EC-665 Tigre HAD-E is a Spanish variant of the one of the best attack helicopters in War Thunder, coming to the German premium line. This helicopter features the potent Hellfire II with laser and inertial guidance for air-to-ground combat, and the Mistral for air-to-air combat. Hydra rockets are included with this Spanish variant as well.

Pre-order - F-16A Netz Pack

The Kit Includes:


The new F-16 will come to Israel as a premium aircraft. Featuring an excellent rate of climb, acceleration and thrust, the Netz differs from the researchable variant in that it has a different stabilizer design, additional countermeasures and an expanded arsenal featuring the GBU-31 JDAM.


RIP countermeasure improvement being a premium.
Oh well, to those that are interested in it, this will be good for them.


RIP american premium F16, would have been so many free frags from them. gonna be a real danger with Israeli players using it


Nice to see the F16 Netz get 180 countermeasures whilst being the same BR as the tech tree one, “balancing decisions” didnt come into effect here i assume.


@Stona_WT does this mean German player have to buy the HAD/E if they want to get outer pylon Rockets and Mistral’s?

Or will it finally be getting fixed on the UHT after ~2 years?

(Seeing as the France HAC which is an UHT getting them allready)


Could someone please remind me why Germany is getting a French export to Spain?


Probably still gonna have American mains buy this one, then buy the American F-16 premium when that inevitably releases in a patch or 2. Gaijin is just double dipping.

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Germany suffers or something.


seems to be a theme this update. T10 being a counterpart to AV8 NA having far less than an equal of the same BR too

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strengthen players up by giving the goodies to better players to fight so that the Americans get absolutely hammered when its their turn

‘Big 3’ nation has to steal vehicles from a ‘minor’ nation to flesh out its tree… the irony, huh?


Isn’t this Tiger French?


German mains claim the universe





I am going to start talking about this Tigre HAD.

The Spanish EC-665 Tigre HAD although it has the possibility to carry Hellfire missiles, it has NEVER done so, the Spanish army bet from the beginning to equip its EC-665 Tigre with Spike missiles, while the French and Australian army decided for the Hellfire. And this has been demonstrated to Gaijin in multiple reports that have been sent to him since the Dev Server was released.

Reports Links:

Community Bug Reporting System



Attached is the information and respective links (I EMPHASIZE THAT ALL THIS IS PUBLIC DOCUMENTATION):

PICTURE: Spain's Eurocopter Tiger attack helicopters to use Spike missiles | News | Flight Global



https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/spike-missiles-for-spain-04420/ Eurocopter successfully leads the first firing campaign of the HAD Tiger using the Spike missile - Vertical Mag




And what is Gaijin’s response to this information?

“Not a Bug. The version coming to the game will be without Spikes so it can have an appropriate BR.”

Ok. It is understandable and even right that they do not offer for sale a vehicle that is equal or superior to the best branch vehicle (in this case better than the EC-665 Tiger UHT).

So, would you be able to provide a solution to this “problem”?

Yes. Exchange this Spanish EC-665 Tigre HAD for the Australian EC-665 Tiger ARH and give to choose one of the two options.

1st Option: Put the Spanish EC-665 Tigre HAD with their respective Spike as squadron helicopter.

2nd Option: Put the EC-665 Spanish Tigre HAD with its respective Spike after the EC-665 Tiger UHT.

That being concluded, I’ll move on to the following.

Gaijin releases a Spanish helicopter without any kind of historical accuracy even with information/documentation against it. The VRCC Centauro was removed from sale, no reason was given and to date it is still not available again in any way. I am not going to say anything about the AV-8S ‘Matador’ since at least in the description of it they said it was developed for the Spanish Navy. Also, I have been looking for some congratulations from Gaijin to the Spanish Armed Forces Day and I have not found any congratulations. I have also looked for some congratulation on the day of Hispanidad and I have only found 2. One in the year 2015 and another in the year 2016.

I found the one for 2015 in English. But the 2016 one is only available in Spanish.
And the rest of the years, why haven’t there been more congratulations? For Gaijin the day Cristóbal Colón “discovered” America is not relevant enough?
And the day of our armed forces?

As a Spaniard I feel sadness and impotence to see how Gaijin treats its player base in this nation and even knowing that this post is not going to get anywhere nor will they do anything to change any of this.


But this vehicle still should not go to Germany. It was again a French export.

Germany should just go without in this case like every other nation that faces a similar issue.


Let it rain let it rain

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I hate to admit it but I am going to order the Netz. I promised myself I would fully support the Israeli TT because it doesn’t get enough love and it’s a fun and challenging TT to play.


I feel you man, my Canadian and austrialan friends are in the same boat (although not quiet as bad) Players from that country should decide where their stuff goes


Enjoy it bro. Shame the tech tree netz is left behind. I prefer it when the devs come up with compromise vehicles, better in one but might loose out in the other. This netz is just better in every way