Homegrown Country Vehicles

So, this is mostly just a rant; but there are a few things in the game that bug me; specially when Gaijin add vehicles to nations rather than counterparts that were made by that nation… for some examples, Great Britain getting the M109 instead of the Abott SPG, or now the M44 instead of something like the Bishop or Sexton. It just seems really lazy on Gaijin’s behalf to do this, because the vehicles they add tend to fill a gap, that will not be filled by something else; for example, now Britain have the M109, there would be no point in adding the Abott because it fills essentially the same role, at assumingly the same BR as it has the same functionality; so there’s no incentive to add it because it adds nothing more to the tech tree. Adding vehicles made by other nations is a good and fun idea, but I think that the focus should be on vehicles that nation would have used en-mass or vehicles made by that specific country if there is a counterpart to it before you add another nations vehicle to the gap to fill it.

TL;DR - I wish gaijin would stop adding vehicles from other countries to trees that are still missing vehicles made by THAT country that fill the same role. Ie. Abott > M109 - Sexton/Bishop > M44 because once they add them, there’s no incentive to add their home grown vehicles. It’s lazy.


the abbot only has a 105mm howitzer (the gun that replaced the 25pdr on sexton) so would be an ok low tier derp gun


A 105 with proxy HE and HESH, dunno what you mean by “low tier” but I’d expect around 4.3

Just because one vehicle is added does not take away the potential of others being added…

I think its more of a case that UK operatored M109, the model was added, and the others didn’t have models.

id expect it to be 4.3 too. I count 1.0-5.0 as low tier, 5.3-8.0 as mid tier and 8.3 to 10.7 as high tier, 11.0+ is top tier ofc

Cromwell - Sherman II.
Brummbar - M44.
T-72M1 - Leopard 1A5.
BMP-1 - Marder.
OSA - Roland.
Rooikat - Vickers Mk11.
Chieftain Mk10 - Olifank Mk2.
ZBD - M41D.
TOR-M1 - HQ-17.
T-54 - Strv 101.

I’d add more but the list will go on for well over 100 vehicles.
Nothing is ever added “instead of” something else.

No no things are added “instead of” going to the effort of researching and modelling and testing a whole different vehicle, its a cost cutting measure while keeping a similar amount of content as a native creation at the cost of nation mains caring as much.


They found a really easy way to keep adding content to all nations for dirt cheap, just copying stuff from one tree to another.
It sucks but I highly doubt they’ll stop doing that, as it’s extremely cost effective. We’ll keep getting more and more copy/paste updates I’m afraid.

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Its a shame that this is the reality, adding vehicles to several nations is diluting the reasons to play one nation over another.

If you want hardy good all rounder MBTs at mid tier you play britain, if you want fast low profile top tier tanks you go USSR, if you want wacky low tier you go sweden.

If we have the leopard 2 copy paste problem across every nation at every BR then there is literally zero point in playing certain nations. might as well go back to WOT at that point…

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Indeed, copy/paste will inevitable lead to some countries losing their identity and people will have much less reason to play them.
Just look at the Finnish ground sub-tree for Sweden, where not a single vehicle is unique and all are copy/paste of USSR, UK and Germany vehicles. Yes, it might bring more options to the nation but it feels really cheap and should be done only when there are no unique options to choose from.

Gaijin seems to be picking up the pace with this. France got NL Leopards, multiple countries got OSA, now multiple countries are getting the Strela and M44 as well.
It just feels off and in some cases not as needed because they aren’t patching many holes by doing that.


If you want a perfect example of a tree with zero personality (at least until top tier) just look at china, other than the modern artillery I don’t think there is a single unique vehicle new to the game in the china tree until mid-high tier


Yeah China’s low-mid tier is just filled with reskinned US and USSR vehicles to the point grinding them out if you already have US/USSR feels really bland and not so rewarding.
Even plenty of their high/top tier tanks are nothing more than slightly altered T-tanks which kills some vibe, at least for me. No wonder China will be my last I grind out.

That being said, I’d prefer less updates per year but with more quality/unique content than this copy/paste rush to push out as much updates as you can.

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same here for the updates, would make them more special for everyone instead of being “the Fox incident update” or “the Typhoon update” like this one will be.

do think china would have been better as either an extra nation for the USSR kinda like how Israel is for most NATO factions starting at mid tier, or as a large subtree in the USSR in the way that south Africa is for britain

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It’s come down to a point of a single vehicle being the focal point of the update, while most other things are quick copy/paste fillers.

About China, I don’t know if they should be a sub-tree for USSR as they already have more than enough domestic vehicles to fill up their TTs without issues.

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whether it was meant to be the focal (like F117) or not (fox) every update being seen as a single vehicle update is not a good look for gaijin, especially when half baked models get through like with scimitar

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Vehicles going out with half baked models seem really rushed not gonna lie.
No wonder they more often than not opting to add copies as it takes zero research and you just need to change the skins basically.

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Great Britain getting the M109 instead of the Abott SPG, or now the M44 instead of something like the Bishop or Sexton.

Neither are them are good comparisons since they all use different calibres, The Abbot SPG uses the 105mm so it cannot be a HE nuke cannon the same way the M109 can for example. The Abbot’s main advantage over the M109 is that it has HESH round though take that with a grain of salt due to how specialised and overall capricious HESH rounds are at the best of times.

A better comparison for the M109 would be the SP70. Germany and Italy can also get the SP70 since they also worked on it. There is also the AS-90 SPG that you forgot to mention though that is closer to the PzH2000 & PLZ05 than to the M109

The Bishop and Sexton/Yeramba used 25pdr’s while the M44 uses a 155mm so neither the Sexton and the Bishop cannot be used as HE Slingers the same way the M44 can either

Though Germany getting the M44 instead of lets say the Hummel for example is a massive bruh move on Gaijin’s behalf. Also France could of gotten the AMX Mk F3 155 mm instead of the M44.

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Instead of ranting, how about suggesting a vehicle instead? If there is no suggestion that cant be added you do know that Gaijin literally cant add anything beside that one. The M44 is one suggested a long time ago to be added to various nations especially Japan.

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all the vehicles mentioned have been suggested and have been on gaijin’s “considered” footlocker for years.
this includes but isn’t limited to;

Tracked Rapier
Scimitar II
Scorpion 90
Warrior CTAS
More Chieftain variants

and many more. Suggesting vehicles doesn’t help, when they are already suggested, or worse have been ushered to the back of the room by Gaijin while other non unique vehicles fill their spots. Yes, just because some copy and paste vehicles have been added doesn’t mean that these vehicles wont be; but what it does do, is remove nearly all incentive for Gaijin to actually add them within any reasonable time period. “we will give you the Indian Strella, so you are quiet about British made SPAA systems for a while” is what it feels like. It’s a cheap, lazy cop out that dilutes tech trees into being the same as everyone else, stripping them of their uniqueness.

more to the point; there are vehicles still in these tech trees that have had bugs with them since their introduction that haven’t been fixed. Challenger 2 is a prime example of this. steering slowing it down to a halt due to the lack of regen steering, the suspension not preforming as it should due to it being modeled incorrectly, the gun breach dust cover literally floating, the driver hatch sticking up vertically when its destroyed, the meteo sensor post folded down when it should be up. all these things, but “hey; have the M44 so that you forget we promised you a full light tank line for a bit.”

It all comes down to Gaijin’s not caring, and doing things lazily and cheaply, and players are seeing it. Look at the M44 thread. where is the Wespe, Hummel or early Brumbar? instead they got the M44.

Priorities Gaijin, priorities.


In Germany, there are a large number of native vehicles that could have been put in place of the M44, or at least complement it. One of them would be the Brummbar late model, which has been in suggestions for some time now, and the only one in the game is the early model and premium. This would be a very interesting addition, since it has armor but less bullet speed than the M44, so both could be added perfectly.